Jolla phone not starting up anymore - notification led blinking red / white

asked 2015-11-16 11:33:26 +0200

misterc gravatar image

good day,

i hadn't used my Jolla in some time but recently started it up again. after charging it and starting it up normally, upgrading to the most recent version i started using it for a few days.

one day, after having left it the previous day off the charger it didn't want to charge anymore, the notification led simply blinks steadily red. following online advise i left the battery out for a night and this morning it still only blinks red (once a second, i guess).

However i also tried to hold the volume rocker pressed (either up or down) while pressing power and then the notification pattern changes.

it blinks 11 times red and once white.


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Hi @misterc - when holding the volume rocker down and pressing power button, does the Jolla logo show on the screen at all? (normally the logo shows after a few seconds then the user can let go of volume down and power button). The phone can then usually be entered by using TELNET recovery method.

Spam Hunter ( 2015-11-16 13:13:11 +0200 )edit

The phone doesn't react in any way; the notification led keeps blinking red, no display or vibration, no matter which button(s) is/are pressed. i tired to put it in recovery mode, the phone doesn't vibrate even after a minute of holding volume down.

misterc ( 2015-11-16 14:45:34 +0200 )edit

Try this:

  1. remove the battery and disconnect the charging cable
  2. press and hold powerbutton while insert the battery
  3. hold powerbutton and connect to charger

Now the battery is charging?

austrian ( 2015-11-16 14:56:38 +0200 )edit

Same problem here, with v1.1.1.27 Vaarainjärvi. What solved it for me is simply this: 1) Remove battery 2) Plug in USB charger cable 3) Insert battery 4) Wait. The charge in percent (1%) was displayed within less than a minute. After a while I pressed the power button and the phone started to boot. StaticNoiseLog (Jan 18 '15)

austrian ( 2015-11-16 15:01:40 +0200 )edit