2015-12-16 15:10:45 +0200
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It's possible to enable the systemd persistent logging from the recovery mode, after which you can reboot the device, try enabling developer mode, reboot back to recovery mode and inspect the log. It's a bit of work, but could possibly help figuring out what is wrong.
NOTE: Making changes in the recovery mode is on your own responsibility and following these instructions is not recommended unless you are comfortable with working on the command line.
Mounting the root filesystem in recovery mode
So, first boot to recovry mode, enter the shell from the recovery menu and mount the rootfs
mkdir /mnt/rootfs
mount /dev/mmcblk0p28 /mnt/rootfs/
Enabling persistent logging
Then edit the journal config. AFAIK the only editor there is vi, so you need to be familiar with how that works
vi /mnt/rootfs/etc/systemd/journald.conf
Change the 'Storage' option there to Storage=persistent
. (In vi, press i
to get into insert mode where you can edit the content. After editing use <Esc>
to leave vi insert mode and enter :wq
to save the changes and quit)
Collecting the logs
After changing the journal config, exit the recovery shell, reboot the device and try to enable developer mode again. After that fails, reboot the device back to recovery mode, enter the shell and mount the rootfs like earlier. Additionally mount the home volume so that you can copy the journal log to place where it's accessible via the normal pc-connection mode or send it as email, or what not.
mount -o subvol=@home /dev/mmcblk0p28 /mnt/rootfs/home/
Then enter chroot to use the journalctl tool for inspecting the log
chroot /mnt/rootfs
You can dump the log as text file in the home directory with
journalctl > /home/nemo/journal.txt
chown nemo /home/nemo/journal.txt
Look for errors around installing the jolla-developer-mode package, and if there doesn't seem to be anything obvious, please attach the log file to a jolla care ticket. Attaching it here is not advised as it might contain personal information.
Fixing the "ssu release=latest" issue
If the logs contain package installation error messages with something like
File '....' not found on medium ''
it means that the SSU release on the device is set incorrectly to 'latest'. It should be set to the currently installed OS version.
To fix this from the recovery mode, you need to mount the rootfs like earlier and edit the ssu.ini file
vi /mnt/rootfs/etc/ssu/ssu.ini
Locate the line release=latest
and change it to release=
, where should be the version of the OS that is currently installed. Save changes, exit recovery shell and reboot the device.
There seems to be three separate issues. The failing of battery monitor, the corruption of stuff after crash and the developer mode not working. Applications do fail and it is no wonder after such a long uptime. Perhaps there is some corruption in battery monitor's files as well as the icons. Those are things that backups could help in...
Apparently the problem of not being able to install developer mode is an old bug, and a fix was promised for July or so... I just run into the same thing.
As workaround, resetting the phone to factory settings have been proposed. If you dare to do that, it would probably fix the battery monitor issue too.
mvuori ( 2015-11-27 11:30:44 +0200 )editdid you enter recovery mode and try the btrfs balancing? that way you can still log into a shell and check the file system.
kryca ( 2015-11-27 17:45:03 +0200 )edit@kryca what exactly is "recovery mode"?
thesix ( 2015-11-27 17:51:18 +0200 )edit@mvuori battery monitor works fine since I rebooted the phone. I agree that apps can fail after some time (also they shouldn't), but three of them at the same time tells me it's not the apps. I want to take resetting to factory settings as a last, a very last resort since I do not want to go through all the setup again.
And on a side note: do you seriously consider 22days "such a long uptime"?
thesix ( 2015-11-27 17:59:24 +0200 )editrecovery mode and balancing has been discussed at, among others. recovery mode is also explained at Jolla's support site.
kryca ( 2015-11-27 18:09:09 +0200 )edit