[enhancement] Browser: open tab in background
either have it so there is an extra option when long pressing a link to open in background tab or change the option to be open in background tab.
possibly a potential help for the forgetting scroll position problem mentioned here https://together.jolla.com/question/373/tab-reloading-browser-settings/
update: still not implemented in v1.1.2.16
update: still not implemented in v1.1.9.28
update: still not implemented in v2.0.0.10
update: still not implemented in v2.0.1.11
update: still not implemented in v2.0.2.51
@ymb please provide use case of actual value of load in background, why not load on select, or open but do not navigate to, etc implentation could vary widely so its better to describe what you are trying to accomplish and why you think people would use it once its available.
DarkTuring ( 2017-01-31 22:26:39 +0200 )edit@DarkTuring how about going to a news site, opening the tabs of the news from today which you find interesting... i mean thats just one use case, but come on... are you telling me you dont miss this feature - everyday?
misc11 ( 2017-01-31 22:34:37 +0200 )edit@misc11 I think it's a matter of habit. One of the first addons I installed here in Fx/Android was TabsInForeground and I have Fx desktop set that way. That's my preference 99% of the time. But of course a long-tap option would be best.
DaveRo ( 2017-01-31 22:51:21 +0200 )edit