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SMS not recieved

asked 2016-02-06 13:38:13 +0200

Georg L. gravatar image

Recently, several people told me that they sent me SMS, which I didn't receive. While I first thought they made something wrong when sending, or it might be a provider issue, it happened with different people at different times.

So my question: Are there any known issues regarding SMS reception? Does anyone experience similar problems? I found several similar questions regarding SMS receiving problems, but no one has definitely been answered so far:




SMS is one of the most essential features. I use it extensively for both private and business communication. Problems with SMS would be a definitive show stopper for Jolla ...



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I'm having the same issue with my Jolla in the UK, on EE's 3G network. I can send SMS fine but receive nothing. So far I've tried making the phone only use 3G, but still nothing is coming back to the handset. I think it might be an issue with iphones sending as SMS and/or MMS but haven't tested enough yet... trying a 4G SIM later in the week and will try to send from android devices too. I'll post back when I know more.


AstronomerSteve ( 2016-02-29 18:07:51 +0200 )edit

last week I received a sms during I was using the phone so the balloon notification appeared. But when I opened the sms app nothing new was there. Luckily I was able to see the sender and just call him back. I don't know if this was an individual cases but it is really annoying. Currently I am waiting for a few sms from people. I'm wondering if I just don't receive them or if they haven't send anything. Will try to find that out now. This uncertainty is really a show stopper for jolla

Salzi ( 2016-03-01 11:29:31 +0200 )edit

Having this issue on I called my operator about one particular issue (i noted details). They told me, that sms was delivered without errors (operatos sms-center received confirmation from my device, that sms received), but sms was not on my device. I inspected comhistory database. SMS not delivered from one sender - bank online tool. I used other device with my sim - all sms from that bank was delivered: fast and fully correct. I think there is some troubles in jolla phone with receiving some kind of sms messages. Really need fix for this - can not use bank operations without many resends of confirming sms. These bank sms messages are big - consists of 3-4 basic sms messages. May be this is the cause of problem.

nauevg ( 2016-06-05 18:00:04 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-02-29 23:09:21 +0200

I have a solution if you have ported your number from an ios/apple device. Basically Apple's iMessage format is used preferentially to SMS, so my solution was to go through all apple devices that use imessage and dissociate the phone number I've transferred from iMessage. Hope this helps someone else out. Steve

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Asked: 2016-02-06 13:38:13 +0200

Seen: 689 times

Last updated: Feb 29 '16