What alternatives to the native Jolla email app have you tested?
As the email app (and other stuff to) only offers few options and gets no improvment for some time no i wanted to ask what app you are using, what apps you have tested, what apps run flawlessly on Sailfish?
So far i tried Aquamail (Basic) from Yandex - where until now everything seems to run without problems (well besides that swichting to next mail via swipe from left often interferes with the native gesture to enter the message screen).
I also wanted to try k@mail - as these to me seem to be the ones trustworthy (not saving my data/passwords on their servers or similar). There is also k9 - but as k@mail is build on that + has a nicer look i would prefer that. Has anyone tried that one (i could not find a store/download so far and don't use play store)?
What apps do you use successfully?
I've tried only Nine for accessing my Exchange account, but I wasn't able to add any accounts to the app :(
AnaT ( 2016-02-28 21:04:11 +0200 )editI can't find any indication that 'K-@ Mail' is built on K-9 Mail apart from their claim that it is. Either it is built on K-9, in which case they are legally violating the copyright license of K-9 as a source code repository is nowhere to be found, or it isn't, in which case they're lying. I wouldn't trust them.
In any case I think K-9 Mail is the most complete mail client that exists, so if you're looking for something similar to desktop mail clients, K-9 is the way to go.
nthn ( 2016-02-28 21:59:45 +0200 )edit@nthn : k9 is FOSS, you can find the sources here: https://github.com/k9mail/k-9
LameDuck ( 2016-02-29 15:16:03 +0200 )edit@LameDuck: yes, I know, that's why I said K-@Mail seems to violate K-9 Mail's license.
nthn ( 2016-03-01 12:03:31 +0200 )editSorry, I got your comment wrong.
LameDuck ( 2016-03-01 22:38:02 +0200 )edit