tnt sms, invoice and tax, jollac shipping
Hi I just received the following sms from tnt: Für die Sdg.xxxx ex HongKong benötigen wir einen Zahlungsnachweis und einen Verzollungsauftrag.Bitte schicken Sie beides an
does anybody has an idea? why was that not provided or done by jolla?
just checked my order within jolla shop. tax is already listed there.
Update1: I sent my jolla order and a confirmation for customs via email to tnt. Now one day later it seems they will deliver.
Update2: Jollac was now delivered, until now no further request for paying additional costs.
I got the same SMS
mbpilotuser ( 2016-07-17 15:51:27 +0200 )editYou're right, actually I expected Jolla to import the phones to Finnland and send them to the European destinations from within the EU.
jollajo ( 2016-07-17 15:51:59 +0200 )edit..same here! Any Ideas which Documents they need exactly?
Lupus ( 2016-07-17 15:58:38 +0200 )editjust tried to call tnt first listening to music and as soon as i should get redirected, nothing!?
meldolion ( 2016-07-17 16:09:27 +0200 )editHi, same here! I just wrote to Jolla support.
HansA ( 2016-07-17 16:38:33 +0200 )edit