WhatsApp contacts cannot be added to phone contacts
asked 2016-07-26 19:36:46 +0200

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bought Intex Jolla few days back. tried to add few whatsapp group contacts into phone contacts, it shows the option to "add to contacts" but then shows error message "unimplemented" / "You may not have a proper app for viewing the content"
edit- adding/editing any contacts from android apps.i.e whatsapp,truecaller are still not possible even after reporting it to jolla team many times !
Put it simply: You can run Android apps but you don't have an Android phone. Android apps, such as Whatsapp, try to access an Android system to add contacts, but the Android system isn't there. This is normal and you couldn't expect anything else. Blame it on Whatsapp that blocked users of native Sailfish apps forcing us to use the Android one.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-01-04 16:08:40 +0200 )editI had the same issue lots of whats app groups with lots new contacts to import. I wrote a script to read the contact number from whats app db and export as vcs files:
muchasuerte ( 2017-01-04 16:21:20 +0200 )edithttps://together.jolla.com/question/148047/whatsapp-contacts-export/
to import I just used the google contacts to avoid duplicates