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[review] my experience with intex aqua fish [not relevant]

asked 2016-07-30 06:14:21 +0200

updated 2016-07-30 15:39:24 +0200

palikao gravatar image


First of all sorry for my bad english. I am a jolla fan from India. I had been tracking jolla for a while now and was interested in buying a sailfish device. When snapdeal introduced jolla 1 in my country, i was not able to buy that. A few days before, my current phone ( Xiaomi redmi 1s) was showing signs of dying out. It was clear that i should go for a replacement. I started scouting for smartphones. I was very keen to have a sailfish OS device and had heard about intex aqua fish but was not sure when the launch date is. I called the intex customer care and they said they don't know when the product launches.

So one fine day, i went to an electronics store nearby and was almost ready to buy a replacement device ( was eyeing for a random android device). Suddenly out of nowhere i decided to check the online price of a certain model and boom, aqua fish was on sale. At the last minute, i ordered my aqua fish then and there, returned home. My xiaomi redmi 1s somehow started showing a pulse of normal life. The screen flicker stopped and everything was working as it should be.

Two days after, my phone was delivered to me at work. I was very excited to reach home and start playing with it. Reached home and started unboxing.

Yay. Sailfish. Awesome and beautiful. I played with the phone exploring each and everything and felt so happy to support the sailfish community by being a part of it. I was a die hard nokia and meego fan and that made me proud to have a sailfish device in hand. My brother looked at the phone suspiciously and tried operating it. He was tapping the back button and told me the product might be defective as the back button is not working. I smiled and said this is not android. There is no such button. Later, i took the phone to my office and people started asking all sort of questions about it. Some of them had never heard about sailfish OS. Two of them even ordered the phone for them. :) (Buy me beer :D).

Later that day, my girlfriend called me and asked me about my phone. Guess what, the whole sailfish and jolla story unfolded in front of her starting from the N9 to burning platform memo to calling steve elop a liar to jolla C ( Don't worry she is used to that ).

Talking about the battery life, i charged the phone to 100% a two night before. Called my gf and talked for an hour and half. Wi-fi was on and had a few minutes of whatsapp usage. The draining of battery from 100% to 99-95% was sudden in a matter of 4 minutes(battery calibration issues?). I started fearing the battery drainage. Switched off the wi-fi, went to sleep. When i was awake in the morning, the phone was at 87% showing a 8% drain overnight. Turned the wi-fi back on and spend some time downloading few apps and texting on whatsapp. Took the phone to work. On my way to work, i had to use 2G to reply to certain messages on whatsapp (about 40 minutes). Reached work. People again started staring at the phone and they used the phone like a toy for almost 1 hour exploring the OS. Battery was now at 71%. Note, i had switched off mobile data by now and was not using wi-fi either. Fast forward. 6 pm , i was back at home. The battery was at 64%. Wi-fi was turned on.Messages kept coming in and i replied. Downloaded some apps again. Made whatsapp calss for about 1 hour. Tweeted from the phone for the first time using tweetian :) (milestone achieved). It was about 28% after 3 hours of heavy usage. The had a cellular call with my gf for about an hour. Used phone for another two hours texting. It was 1 am and battery was at 11%. Switched off the wi-fi and slept. This morning , i woke up just now and looked at my phone and it was at 10%. Overnight drainage about 1% (!).

One day after usage, i can say that sailfish OS is very promising. I wish jolla had made a flagship specced phone with this OS, i will be the first one buying it. Thanks jolla. And thanks to intex for providing this phone at this price (5500 INR). I hear a ticking sound at random and that bug is mentioned here. Also i would like to know about the software updates to this phone. Overall a promising experience. Great job sailors :D

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by JoHe
close date 2016-12-12 13:37:48.150129



how much time it took to get charged from 0%-100%? what other android apps you are using?

shubh340 ( 2016-07-30 07:06:01 +0200 )edit

0-100% takes roughly about 1:30-2 hours. I use whatsapp, hike and a regional language keyboard. Android support is turned on by default

vidhun91 ( 2016-07-30 07:08:36 +0200 )edit

any sign of heating while usage,how is the call quality and cellular reception? is google play services pre-installed? the Google play store app shows in app grid?

shubh340 ( 2016-07-30 07:14:26 +0200 )edit

No heating noticed. Call quality and cellular reception is good despite the weak coverage in my area. Google play services are preinstalled. Play store doesn't show up in the main app grid, but hidden inside a store.

vidhun91 ( 2016-07-30 07:20:33 +0200 )edit

how is the camera quality? you use whatsapp native app or a third party client?

shubh340 ( 2016-07-30 08:15:12 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2016-08-09 23:33:07 +0200

Savy gravatar image

I like the new OS. Having said that, I would like to clarify that I just wanted to encourage the development of a new OS which could provide a decent alternative to iOS and android hopefully remain clean (without bloatware), simple and respect user privacy while still being one of the most secure mobile OS in the market. The piece which I got is however hopefully a DoA. The phone had a few issues which are probably not related to the OS itself. The issues were: random reboots (3 times so far), weird clicking sound when the volume is all the was up, battery drains from 100% to 0% in about 12 hours on mixed usage (2 hours talk and remaining standby time), signal issues (resolves only after a reboot).

Besides these issue some improvements which I would love to see Jolla introduce are: 1. Copy/Paste function across all apps. 2. Delete multiple text messages at a time. 3. Forward text messages without having to copy and then paste the text into a new message. 4. Save whatsapp contacts as regular cell phone contacts. 5. Save contact cards received either on whatsapp or sms.

Personally, if I have fully functional native apps for youtube, skype and whatsapp with the above mentioned improvements, I should be all set. That's all I use a smart phone for, at the moment.

For those wondering if this OS comes with the baggage of a huge learning cure, I would like to say that this OS is super simple. I believe Jolla has tried to keep the OS simple for single handed operation. They have done that well. You can navigate through almost everything on the phone using one thumb except of course while typing (if you need to type faster). It took me only 2 days to learn and get used to the phone.

In my opinion, this is a great OS. I would opine about the current hardware soon, once I get a replacement of the phone from the ebay seller.

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In which apps are you missing the copy-paste? In my experience it works in every single text field in the entire OS.

tadzik ( 2016-10-09 14:29:04 +0200 )edit

Mine one is clicking that way. Clicking does not disappears if back cover is opened

luxferre ( 2016-12-01 14:36:57 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-31 21:32:16 +0200

Twinklestar1792 gravatar image

How is the processor, gaming performance? And finally total battery life?

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answered 2016-10-09 12:37:52 +0200

LHC gravatar image

updated 2016-10-09 12:39:16 +0200

Hello and thanks for your review. My question is: has Aqua Fish the support for Exchange accounts as Jolla phone? Thanks again. L.

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It does, there is 'Microsoft Exchange' package in the Store (qmf-eas-plugin).

NOTE: I've installed it after I removed all traces of Intex from the phone and essentially turned it into a Jolla C so I don't know how if vanilla Aqua Fish lists it. Then again, ssu still identifies my phone as Aqua Fish so I'm fairly confident that qmf-eas-plugin is available for all.

incognito ( 2016-10-09 13:22:56 +0200 )edit

Thanks a lot

LHC ( 2016-10-10 23:54:21 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-07-30 06:14:21 +0200

Seen: 6,141 times

Last updated: Oct 09 '16