[Community] Making friends with Fairphone in Berlin? [not relevant]
asked 2016-08-04 17:35:44 +0200
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Fairphone is coming to Berlin in September...
We'll be coming to Berlin with a team of Fairphoners and we're looking for Fairphone community members to join us. We want to hang out with you, hear what you have to say and help us get the message of fairer electronics presented at the IFA.
Do we also hear some good news about SailfishOS on FP2? I hope alpha2 (or a newer version) will be available at this time (2.9.-7.9.) .. At the moment the situation seems not clear. From Fairphone support i got the information, 'official support is no planed' and from Jolla side there is also no official commitment. I'm not sure, but i think both companies must be in contact for an official support. Changes/updates on the basic android setup (comparable to a HAL) could result in updates for SailfishOS.
gabs5807 ( 2016-08-05 15:13:41 +0200 )editI think they have their hands full with the relase of Fairphone 2 at this time.
vattuvarg ( 2016-08-05 15:26:09 +0200 )editWell, trying to connect with people involved with SailfishOS (in whatever way) only to convince them about Android would be rather pointless. :)
I would love to see SailfishOS running on a FP2, but I'm nowhere near Berlin anytime soon. Anyone in Zuerich?
Venty ( 2016-08-09 17:17:49 +0200 )edit