Intex Aqua Fish is collecting my personal data [duplicate]
asked 2016-08-07 03:06:21 +0200
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I brought a new phone, intex aqua fish. It seems like i am loosing money very quickly. As a student, dont have much money in the bag, i noticed, then i contacted carrier provider, started quarrelled with them and later, they told me that the message was send to a mobile number based on noida, which includes my location details. Is there anything we can do? I can share you the phone number, the company send messages automatically, wgich has been shared by my carrier. so the oem is intex and the os is sailfish.unlike other, sl wgat can wre do? how can we enforce them not to do so.??
Your message is difficult to read, but I can really understand your point. They told you about sending position data as well as wasting your money, despite the fact that no phone owner want something like this.
hoschi ( 2016-08-07 10:09:20 +0200 )editFixed the headline typo. ...for future searches.
vattuvarg ( 2016-08-07 12:55:11 +0200 )edit