Jolla C - ambience changing magically
Has anyone experienced the same?
For me it happens usually when I have the phone in my pocket.
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Has anyone experienced the same?
For me it happens usually when I have the phone in my pocket.
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Asked: 2016-08-09 13:34:00 +0200
Seen: 272 times
Last updated: Aug 09 '16
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Yep I have had this experience couple of times. Once after this phone went off and I couldn't turn it back on before I removed battery for a while. Also I had phone in my pocket.
japsi ( 2016-08-09 13:42:59 +0200 )editNot related to Jolla C but Jolla1 - I have noticed a light beaming through my jeans a few evenings ago while at my local watering was my phone, the torch had turned itself on.
The day after I cycled back from work and heard around 7 error tones blurt out from my pocket. Upon checking the phone, I found 7 texts with a few characters of gobbledegook on each text, but of course, unsent.
My point is, I think it is very possible for body warmth/sweat and close proximity to skin, while sitting in a thin cotton pocket lining, is enough to activate the homescreen/pull menus down - although, I have not had an accidental change of ambience.
Now, I try to keep my phone screen facing away from me when in my jeans pocket.
Spam Hunter ( 2016-08-09 14:27:00 +0200 )edit