Missing characters for French layout

asked 2014-01-13 12:31:16 +0300

updated 2016-08-17 16:31:24 +0300

jiit gravatar image

The French layout is missing the 'œ' character (cf. U+0153 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE) and the 'æ' also. 'œ' is a common ligature used in the word « nœud » meaning node or « cœur » meaning heart. By the way, the spelling propositions for 'c', 'o', 'e', propose coeur, not cœur…

In addition, it would be nice to have the "…" (U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) available. I suggest it to be an accents version of the full dot.

So file /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts/fr.qml may be modified to have :

CharacterKey { caption: "a"; captionShifted: "A"; symView: "1"; symView2: "€" ; accents: "aäàâáãåæ"; accentsShifted: "AÄÀÂÁÃÅÆ" }
CharacterKey { caption: "o"; captionShifted: "O"; symView: "9"; symView2: "["; accents: "oöôòóœ"; accentsShifted: "OÖÔÒÓŒ" }
CharacterKey {
            caption: "."
            captionShifted: "."
            width: punctuationKeyWidthNarrow
            fixedWidth: true
            separator: false
            accents: ".…"
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I agree. Also I would like to call my little sister "P'tite sœur" instead of "P'tite soeur" because she is specialized in literature and signal each and every mistake I make.

Triton ( 2014-09-03 00:05:37 +0300 )edit

Indeed, it would be good to add "œ" (U+0153), "Œ" (U+0152) and "æ" (U+00E6), "Æ" (U+00C6) to the French keyboard layout.

pegaz ( 2015-03-07 01:04:11 +0300 )edit