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CyanogenMod request for Intex Aqua Fish [subjective]

asked 2016-09-14 12:20:25 +0200

allat1place gravatar image

updated 2016-09-14 14:03:47 +0200

vattuvarg gravatar image

I understand a lot of poeple would hate it but i realized Jolla is delivering every feature in a snails speed. Missing a lot of features and less in-house apps. To me Intex Aqua Fish seems a failure in India.

  1. Battery back up sucks when you have Android Support enabled

  2. Call Quality is very bad. With same Operator network on Lumia or OnePlus3 voice is crystal clear but person hearing from Aqua Fish hears breaking voice most of the times.

  3. Network reception is very poor and unstable.
  4. Lack of VOLTE and no promise if it will be delivered.
  5. Most android Apps Crash
  6. True Caller does not work as it works on Android/Windows/Apple. So no caller id no spam blocker.
  7. Camera Quality is like 3.2MP
  8. Rejecting a call takes a lot of time
  9. No way to join multiple calls

I am sure their is more to add. If you think the same and would like to move to Android/CyanogenmMod lets vote for device request from below URL


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The question has been closed for the following reason "too subjective and argumentative" by eson
close date 2016-09-14 17:19:41.456147



You'd better sell your AquaFish (many people would be happy to give you back what you paid for it) and get an Android phone.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2016-09-14 13:30:53 +0200 )edit

Trying selling it since 2 weeks still nobody is interested. In India now if you wanna sell 4G phone people expect VOLTE.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 13:40:17 +0200 )edit

Yes. Jolla really made a mistake selling Aqua Fish in India. Most of the buyers are ignorant and really have no clue about Jolla. It is meant to be a community device.

Mystel ( 2016-09-14 16:24:39 +0200 )edit

Exactly. This is not for Public neither it should be sold in market since it does not have a final product neither final/stable OS.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 16:28:21 +0200 )edit

Thats Not right Bro I am Using aqua fish, Not only satisfied but happy to join Jolla Community. There are disadvantages with others OS too but criticising is not the only way.

p_pahare ( 2016-09-14 18:07:19 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2016-09-14 12:50:43 +0200

ApB gravatar image

You didn't do any research before buying and you simply bought the wrong phone.

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Yes i did research. And people like you said its one of the best device and you should have it. Now i have it i know it has a good GUI but you can not see the beautiful GUI everyday and say it's a good phone. Hardly their is anything that will hold anyone for more than a month. Neither it has any resale value. Most annoying is the call quality. What should i expect from this phone it does not last for more than 8HRS with data enabled. I can not talk to people because they hear breaking voice. I can not use most android apps because it crashes. It does not have VOLTE to work for my JIO. Neither basic neither advanced features work. So whats the use of it ? Not even fit for secondary phone.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 13:10:54 +0200 )edit

First and foremost you have to understand that when someone says product X is the best thing ever they most likely mean "for their own usecase".

You need android apps. You clearly bought the wrong phone then. As simple as that. If you also need VoLTE you should have also looked into the specs and see if it was supported.

As for call quality this might be a HW issue. If yes then most likely it will be fixed under guarantee.

ApB ( 2016-09-14 13:23:32 +0200 )edit

@ApB and you think thats ok that people have to do lots of research before buying a device? Smartphones are complicated things and having to check off a big list of all the features you expect is asking too much.

@allat1place I am not sure Cyanogenmod will help you with the call quality, network reception, or camera quality issues. Its probably easier to try and sell the Aqua Fish and buy an android phone of your choosing than organise a port anyway.

r0kk3rz ( 2016-09-14 13:25:25 +0200 )edit

I bought this because it lacks apps and in a hope it will give at least a days backup. I already have an android phone so did not expect this to have all the apps. But as a secondary phone i bought it so when my oneplus 3 runs out of battery i still have a phone that is ON and i can talk to people. When i start from my home with both the phones 100% charge. When i reach office after 28KM of journey my OnePlus has 97% charge where as Aqua Fish reaches to 70% before my primary phone is out of battery before that Aqua Fish is turned off. A phone on which even if i disable data it hardly lasts for 8HRS. When in pocket it like carrying a burning coal.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 13:33:04 +0200 )edit

@ApB In India hardly anyone would be interested in this Phone. I tried selling it but nobody is interested to buy this phone after using it. I am sure its mostly software issue with the phone. This is why i want to have CyanogenMod. SInce same configuration phone if you even see Lumia 650 it has the same processor but works great and even android phones on this processor works great.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 13:36:51 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-14 13:25:30 +0200

Giacomo Di Giacomo gravatar image

updated 2016-09-14 13:26:43 +0200

Let's be honest, the Aqua Fish hardware is pure s**t. The CPU is weak, the camera is a nightmare, audio is just acceptable. So you should divide OS issues from hardware issues.

  1. About hardware, I find the battery duration very good, even with Android support enabled all day. I don't know what is the standard that people expect, but being able to run on one battery charge from morning to evening, even with intense use, is a success.

  2. I don't know about call quality on the other side. I can hear acceptable sound.

  3. I have no reception problem at all (but I am not using 4G). I have another issue, that is when disabling wifi with poor signal the phone does not switch to mobile network and I need to restart network connections. This is a bug and needs to be solved.

  4. I don't know about the VoLTE status on other systems, but the standard solution is to fall back to 2G/3G. If your operator does not support this, you cannot use a non-VoLTE phone.

  5. No android app crashes on me. The whole system crashes sometimes when I am running Waze (all applications and all network connections restart on their own).

  6. I can't tell you about TrueCaller because I never experience a need for something similar.

  7. Yes, the camera is a piece of crap.

  8. Yes, rejecting a call is a PITA.

  9. Yes, no multiple call support.

For hardware issues, the solution is that Jolla must ASAP support an official port on a high-end phone. I am tired too to live with sub-par hardware.

For software issues, all of them are expected to be fixed, except the call rejection that is a UI choice. The call UI, in general, sucks big time and is the worst I have ever experienced on a phone including dumbphones and vintage wheel phones. It's really, really a pain to use. I hope they will realize it and switch to a Symbian-like dialer: you get the pad, you dial a number OR a name and get the number AND the list of contacts in the same window and pick either the number or the name; when receiving, you get green and red buttons and either answer or reject, and possibly, with another button or a menu item, ignore the call.

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Same hardware is used on Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 and Microsoft Lumia 650 and they work very smoothly. This is not a Hardware issue its a Software issue. However for Network reception and Call Quality that maybe a Problem from Intex Side.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 13:46:52 +0200 )edit

Agree with almost all points, except for the call UI which is not that bad. To type a number or a name, you can use directly the People app. Otherwise it's a swipe away in the default call UI. And about receiving a call, I love being able to blindly swipe to either take, or ignore the call, I don't see the need to reject the call as it will be diverted to the voicemail 10 seconds later. So for me, no buttons please, swiping is so smooth!!

Sthocs ( 2016-09-14 15:25:38 +0200 )edit

When you reject/Ignore a call. The phone remain in rejecting state for more than 5Sec and you can not do anything on it.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 15:33:16 +0200 )edit

@allat1place: The UI IS smooth. I was talking about camera and speaker quality, and raw CPU power -- it's not all about smoothness. On a plus side, the screen is good. @Sthocs: Using the People app is an order of magnitude slower than you can achieve on any phone with a simpler interface. For example, on Android: Press the phone icon on the main screen and dial or type the first characters of the name, then select the contact or press the green button. On SFOS: Open the launcher, launch the phone app, pull down the right menu item (and more often than not I select the wrong one, since "number" and "contact" are too ambiguous at first thought), dial a phone number or enter a single letter and then scroll down in what can be a very long list (you cannot select using two or more letters). Otherwise: Open the launcher, launch the People app, click on the Search field, enter some characters, select the entry. Moreover, the phone numbers are unvelievably tiny, so that when my phone is docked on the car I cannot see them!! Heck, there is plenty of space left blank, why should they not be far, far bigger? (I always forget to open a question about this point.)

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2016-09-14 16:30:38 +0200 )edit

Also when you get a miss call. It does not display on which number you got miss call out of the 2 sim. If you use 1 number for office 1 for personal. And you get a miss call from an unknown number its hard to identify on which number you got call. There is some cranky sound from the screen also most of the times on Aqua Fish. Yes its smooth but while reject a call i miss the smoothness.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 16:40:52 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-14 14:09:26 +0200

vattuvarg gravatar image

Requests for Cyanogenmod is better done in other forums.

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The only possible correct answer.

lakutalo ( 2016-09-14 14:11:52 +0200 )edit

Yes running away from the Problem is the Best answer for broken SailFish OS. People here use Sailfish and most of them would be ready to move to android if these limitations can be removed. So this is the right place for me to make people aware what problem's Intex Aqua Fish have before you jump on this. 2017 SailFish won't exist and our Aqua Fish will be Brick

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 14:57:10 +0200 )edit

As you have pointed out there is no Cyanogenmod image to use for Intex Aqua Fish at this time.

I rather put my efforts on SailfishOS. The odds are better, imho.

vattuvarg ( 2016-09-14 16:03:49 +0200 )edit

Definitely efforts should be made before it's too late to save and exist SailFish OS. SailFish is moving like a SnailFish so i have started expecting a Port of Android than expecting SailFish to resolve all the issues and that would be quicker than resolving. If they don't act quick they won't have a user base.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 16:11:48 +0200 )edit

I try to improve Sailfish OS.

You suggest a cyanogenmod.

vattuvarg ( 2016-09-14 16:30:39 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-14 12:55:37 +0200

MujySr gravatar image

I think the only problem of Sailfish OS (the OS itself nor the hardware) is the modernity of it, SFOS has much modern GUI Concepts that appears so dump for all who did not use N9 before it. I am not saying that the SFOS is completely Ideal because that is impossible, and there is a few leaks which i think it will be solved soon, and it is not right to compare 80 dollars gadget with a double price one like lumia or onePhone. Sorry for bad english.

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I compared with Lumia and Oneplus because i have 1. And even compared to redmi or Huawei the same budget phone it is no where close to network reception or call quality. Phone is a phone when basic features work flawlessly not because it has a good GUI. A modern GUI plus a lack of poor hardware which does not allow you to meet your basic expectation of a phone is a FAILURE.

allat1place ( 2016-09-14 13:23:44 +0200 )edit

i disagree. coming from old symbian phones i got a jolla and my brother a samsung. both jave pros and cons. we both agree that jolla aand sailfish is betzer lookwise. that its missing a lot of basics in cpmparison, well we all know that. and actually: if xoz do the tutorial you know 75%+ of the thungs you need to know. guess its very intuitive. and i am probably one of the few who didnt know androud before sailfish. cause when i had the first android in my jands it really wasnt adding uo to my expectations.

kaktux ( 2016-09-14 15:15:54 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-09-14 12:20:25 +0200

Seen: 1,857 times

Last updated: Sep 14 '16