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[bug] Bluetooth is not present in Share page for qml and html files

asked 2016-10-20 11:51:49 +0200

AliN gravatar image

updated 2016-10-21 10:22:30 +0200

chemist gravatar image

In new file manager on 2.0.4, the Bluetooth option is present for almost any file types except qml and html. If you change the extension, it will work.

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answered 2016-10-20 12:11:59 +0200

chemist gravatar image

That is known since 2013 https://together.jolla.com/question/1302/bluetooth-file-transfer-for-all-file-types/

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I don't think this is a duplicate, because before this new file manager, one could share with bluetooth only in Gallery, Documents and Notes, i.e. photos and documents. But now it's possible for almost all file types from apk, rpm, tar.gz to mp3 and conf.

AliN ( 2016-10-20 12:35:36 +0200 )edit

In other words, I think that feature request is already implemented and now we have bluetooth file transfer for all file types, but there's a bug in this implementation.

AliN ( 2016-10-20 12:39:41 +0200 )edit

The filemanager was available as separate app before 2.0 just not from store app, and filebrowsers that use the built-in sharing had the same issue. The list of BT shareable types increased but does not include all types.

chemist ( 2016-10-20 16:35:12 +0200 )edit

@chemist, no, it wasn't.

nthn ( 2016-10-20 23:00:31 +0200 )edit

@nthn a jolla filemanager was... nitpicking? The sharing depends on the plugins assigned filetypes btw, so BT sharing plugin has a list of extensions it will attempt to send, that list was very limited.

chemist ( 2016-10-21 00:51:38 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-10-20 11:51:49 +0200

Seen: 181 times

Last updated: Oct 20 '16