[How-to] Make Aqua Fish to think it's Jolla C [not modem]
asked 2016-10-20 16:04:36 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Easiest way is to reflash phone with firmware: https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=100528
These changes will do:
- Allow Early Access updates at same time with Jolla C
- Remove all intex stuff including activation SMS, Gaana, Aptoide
These changes will not do:
- Jolla C LTE bands (this is hardware limitations)
- Preinstalled android will remain
Changes persists after update, you will receive same updates as for Jolla C
Changes does not persists after factory reset, because phone factory backup still contains intex data
Take note that this script won't work with newer Versions of SFOS (>2.2.1). The script works flawless with the 'factory reset' version of the Intex Aquafish ( (Aurajoki)).
Simple steps:
- Open https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CODeRUS/aqua-fish-to-jolla-c/master/script.sh to check what script will do
- You need Developer Mode on
- You need to open your terminal or login to remote shell
Next commands you should execute in terminal
devel-su bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CODeRUS/aqua-fish-to-jolla-c/master/script.sh)
Read prompt carefully, it will ask you to do actions at least 3 times.
- Profit!
Part 2: replacing intex factory image with modified Jolla C factory image
After doing these commands your changes will survive factory reset.
- Download This Factory Image for Aqua Fish
- Unpack and copy to sdcard
- Boot in recovery mode, enter shell
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt dd if=/mnt/mmcblk0p21.raw of=/dev/mmcblk0p21
Wait until image will be copied to partition, no output will be produced. Operation is finished when the copying is complete.
- Back to recovery menu and perform factory reset.
Credits to Kirill Chuvilin for modifying factory image.
How to revert if something failed?
Magog ( 2016-10-20 16:43:29 +0200 )edit@Magog how about that in reverse? But you need the feature-intex file on device iirc as you won't be able to download it again afterwards - @coderus you might want to add that as a security measure, load the required files for reverting to intex ahead of actually removing them.
chemist ( 2016-10-20 16:47:16 +0200 )editAdded info about revert :)
coderus ( 2016-10-20 17:09:13 +0200 )editThanks for your precious help. I will try it, but first will I get OTA/updates? If I change my Intex to Jolla C, will I get EA updates (on J1 I am EA)?
magullo ( 2016-10-20 17:23:57 +0200 )editWhat does "make Aqua Fish to think it's Jolla C" mean? Does it change the LTE bands? Does it disable the SMS to Intex? Does it remove Gaanaa? Does it persist after an update or reset?
SagaciousT ( 2016-10-20 17:38:38 +0200 )edit