Partner SFOS update question

asked 2016-10-25 16:57:49 +0300

ApB gravatar image

updated 2016-10-26 16:09:59 +0300

jiit gravatar image

As mentioned in the release notes 2.0.4 is out for jolla made devices. So i would like to ask. Is the partners (turing index whoever comes along) responsibility to update the devices he produced?

This -in case it is this way- obviously makes devices far less desirable since we all know how these things end up (support after a year or so) and the fragmentation is never a good thing no matter how big the marketshare is.

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Good question, but the note on fingerprint sensors regarding Turing Phone users suggests that this is already cared for by Jolla.

lakutalo ( 2016-10-25 17:08:16 +0300 )edit

For how long also needs to be answered. Long term support is also quite important.

ApB ( 2016-10-25 17:19:49 +0300 )edit

For my Intex Aqua Fish this was the solution for me:

Thanks, @coderus

hubat ( 2016-10-25 19:03:13 +0300 )edit

you can always do it manually

pawel ( 2016-10-25 21:22:50 +0300 )edit