2017-05-17 11:55:18 +0300
Seems to me after Dave999's attacks everywhere on everything and everybody about Sailfish OS tablet he has crossed a thick red line of offending people from Chinese culture. I say this as I see no acceptable explanation for attacking Youyota's team leader at Maemo or anywhere else outside Jolla's blog, and transposing to the 3rd side person Jolla's sins or refunding problems. There is a difference between reminding Jolla their duties and stalking Chen - he hasn't deserved this. And constant open disrespectful laughing at sb among Chinese community can be assumed as reasonable. How they would know this is only empty talking or stalking? They can think this is true and his fault, while it is Jolla's. Hence this can lead to "loose face" what is very seriously treated in Asians communities, and have influence and impact on such person's real life, negative impact considering job opportunities, professional and social relations. Constantly expressed publicly unreasonable disrespect and playing full of the person unrelated with refunding (for me and the lawyer I asked for advice finally) is stalking which is breaking law in many countries. For Chinese such a situation is a reason leave a making troubles project and focus or anything else. He has planty possibilities, while we have only him bringing Sailfish tablet to reality and sell. Why to destroy such opportunity for all who want Sailfish tablet??
For crystal clarity: I support Dave999 in his justified requests for the refunding bakers from Jolla. And if I did not believe that Jolla would return that refund in full amount then I would not be here at all. Without any doubts it is Jolla's duty, and no matter if it is taken over or independent still.
But blind persecutions against all around by Dave999, which are aimed to enforce the refund from Jolla, harase innocent and unrelated people, thereby is causing my disgust and abomination. Such an exaggeration is awe and is unreasonable I think.
Hereby I would like express my deepest apologies for chenliangchen and his associates, I apology for Dave999's posts & comments as I've mentioned them above. I feel they were unfair because Youyota Tablet can't be blamed for Jolla Tablet problems. I understand Dave999 reasons about Jolla but those reasons do not give anybody any right to destroy anything or to be simply rude for chenliangchen who is respected for who he is and what he does, especially for me for all his efforts about revival of Sailfish OS tablet named Youyota tablet. I as a Sailfish community simple member feel responsible for our community member's actions which can cause severe consequences as it seems to me that Dave999 is not aware about them and meaning of them for other persons real life. I say this in my own name.
Those who would eventually feel it is worth to support my point of view can up vote this answer.
As it is motivated with respect for Chinese culture and life style here below is automated translation:
在此,我要对陈良琛及其同事表示深切的歉意,对于上述提到的Dave999的帖子和评论,我道歉。 我觉得他们是不公平的,因为Youyota Tablet不能被指责为Jolla Tablet问题。 我理解了Dave999关于Jolla的理由,但是这些理由并没有给任何人任何摧毁任何东西的权利,或者对于尊重他是谁和他所做的工作的陈良臣来说,是非常粗鲁的,特别是对于我所有关于复兴Sailfish OS平板电脑的努力 名为Youyota平板电脑。 我作为一名Sailfish社区简单会员对我们的社区成员的行为负责,这可能会导致严重的后果,因为我觉得Dave999不了解他们和他们对其他人的真实意义。 我以自己的名义说这个。
I place this here as don't want to create any storm everywhere in internet nor to teach Dave999 how to behave but to express my own point which is apologies for chenliangchen. I think Dave999 is smart person and will understand what I haven't written directly. I also think this forum is the place where I could do this in good faith and not making negative consequences for anybody interested in or involved in.
It is very easy to destroy everything and very difficult to build anything. Even accidentally. :((( Or perhaps I am wrong. And I really would like to be wrong... :(((
"(...) China: Prima Aprilis inconsistent with communism. Prima aprilis jokes "do not match our cultural traditions or socialist values," warned the Chinese agency Xinhua on 2016-04-01 on the Weibo microblog platform, which is the equivalent of Twitter. This message has, anyway, met the sarcastic reaction of Chinese social media users. In China western habits are increasingly gaining popularity among younger generations and Xinhua's entry has been treated as a prima aprilis joke. (...)"
From above example implies that Chinese don't know commonly and widely the idea of Prima Aprilis, while we in Europe recognize it as common and obvious. Some younger knows it, but traditional Chinese not at all. It could be very confusing for a Chinese not aware of it, but you will not be informed about it because he/she doesn't know if it would be polite and/or he/she is afraid that you are just mocking and want not to make it worse. So you will not know finally. But you were recognised to be rude and not polite.
Anything can be assumed a prima aprilis joke/prank only if (1) used is customary right triggered by called/said/written the "Prima Aprilis" phrase to signal joking or (2) on next day joke is exposed and clearly explained "prima aprilis joke / prank". It is conditional. Not a good will. Otherwise a person injured or a jerk offended person has the full right to demand an apology or satisfaction, and may also obtain such legal remedies. The habit of prima aprilis allowing jokes on April 1 and only on April 1 does not mean any obligation to bear unwanted jokes anywhere and anytime. Unwanted events, especially humiliating people in spite of good morals and behaviour, are not prima aprils jokes / pranks. They are ordinary offence and persecution. The person who persecutes others may not invoke the customary law of prima aprilis when: (1) does not explicitly and comprehensively use the "prima aprilis" phrase (2) the person persecuted with alleged "joke" beyond date of April the 1st does not clearly express the willingness and readiness to participate in jokes. It is not permissible to assume consent based on guesses, suspicions, supposing, etc.. A person who will notice that her joke is not funny may try to explain the situation and apologize to the victim. The customary habit allow for much more about jokes, but only on April the 1st, not anytime one want to make a joke.
is it reuse of the old tablet design?
btw. Intel inside - does Intel provides anything for tablets/phones?
zlutor ( 2017-04-29 22:40:13 +0300 )well that was an unexpected turn up for the books . . . . . . best grab the popcorn......... #Inb4RefundComments
davekelly ( 2017-04-29 23:43:36 +0300 )Looks pretty much identical to Jolla tablet design. Bring it on :-) #Inb4RefundComments indeed. How come @Dave999 hasn't gotten his usual refund moan in yet - post has been up for over 2 hours....
ricardo ( 2017-04-30 00:06:51 +0300 )@zlutor I think yes, Intel provides everything for tablets and phones. More: note MeeGo was by Nokia&Intel, that means Intel's staff was polishing and optimising MeeGo in hope to create a market for that time oncoming Intel's Atom devices. Practical meaning of this is that if it will be only on Intel's internals and parts then from the beginning can be expected outstanding above average performance and "internally everything fits to everything". Needless to say Sailfish in about 70%? 80%? is original MeeGo open source code. Note "if, if, if..." as I don't have reliable source or info. But no doubts Intel provides everything that is needed to build and to polish it, therefore that can be brilliant device. I'd like to have one, really.
_ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ ( 2017-04-30 01:33:47 +0300 )if this is meant as an aprils first joke, it not only is a month late, its also quite tasteless...
tortoisedoc ( 2017-04-30 07:57:47 +0300 )