contact import fails if there are accents in vcf [answered]
hi, I had lot of trouble importing contacts, by splitting the vcf file into many smaller files I found a couple contacts that failed to import. Those contacts have an accented letter in one of the contact fields, (i reproduced it with accented letters on name, address, note) the file is not imported into contacts.
on the vcf file the accented letters à è é ì ò ù are transaled into unicode and the leading sequence is =C0 and then the translation of the accented letter on three characters. The vcf file is marked as unicode encoding.
All VCF files have been generated from nokia PC suite and never touched before import from jolla
I use the Jolla GUI to import contacts.
I was able to import my contacts with all weird accents... I don't think those letters you've mentioned should translated into three characters, they would be rather two charater long.... Could you copypaste here a somewhat anonymized vcard which fails?
CsTom ( 2014-01-17 20:14:20 +0200 )edithere it is: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:John=C3=AC;Doe;;; ORG:2some company; TEL;HOME:+1234567890 TEL;CELL:+1234567890 ADR;HOME:;;Some street, 1;smallCity;XX;12345;Country EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK:somecompany@someprovider.xx CLASS:PRIVATE X-CLASS:PRIVATE END:VCARD ( 2014-01-17 23:58:12 +0200 )editanother example: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:loc Pizzeria restaurant;;;; TEL;VOICE:+1234567 ADR;POSTAL:;;Pizza street 1/A ;;;; NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:closed marted=C3=AC END:VCARD
thank you ( 2014-01-18 00:05:48 +0200 )editHmm... Both were imported corretly for me... "Johnì Doe" is visible on the UI as well, the other -- as Note is not in the People application, only in DB -- "closed martedì"
How familiar you're with comman line? ;)
CsTom ( 2014-01-18 12:37:34 +0200 )edityep, you are correct, I managed to import those contacts correctly.
Clearly there are other issues because my vcf files with 50-60 contacts can't import all them. I pinpointed it to the accents but it's something else. Obviously i can't send you the vcf file, how can i debug it myself? ( 2014-01-20 13:45:11 +0200 )edit