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Basic Jolla Sailfish Problems (on Intex Aqua Fish) . . .(Somehwhat Solved)

asked 2017-07-19 02:22:33 +0200

Babaguy gravatar image

updated 2017-07-21 02:51:45 +0200

Hello All -

Problems with my Jolla Sailfish Intex Aqua Fish phone:

I have hardly used the phone since receiving it several months ago - It's my first "smart" phone, and I am in total agreement with Jolla's stated aims and ideas - BUT . . . BASIC PROBLEMS:

1) Double tap does not wake up the phone any more. This has been a`glitch for a couple of months. I must press in the On/Off switch on the side of the Aqua Fish to wake the device up . . .

2) When making a phone call, the screen goes to BLACK and does not respond to any touches or swipes - One cannot end the call except by switching the phone off!! One cannot input anything - like "Loudspeaker" etc. - Non-Responsive black screen and very QUIET internal speaker ( must hold the phone up against my head to hear anything . . . )

I decided to re-set the device to its original settings, to try to fix these problems and so I . . .

3) I inserted a brand new SANDISK Micro SDHC UHS-1 card so as to save my few photos and Sailfish settings before re-setting the device.

I performed the "Backup" as instructed, but when I then tried to open the SDHC card, I got the message "FILE TYPE NOT RECOGNIZED" - "What th - ?!" as Superman exclaimed in his very first adventure . . .

I'm trying to use the device in the Not-So-UK, on the EE network - hardly using the device at all - I've updated my Sailfish OS and tried to download the "Sailfish Utilities" but . . .

4) Sailfish Utilities - though downloaded and installed ( apparently ) - does not function at all, and does not show up in the App Grid . . .

Why all these glitches, Jolla . . . ? ? ?

Any help will be MUCH appreciated!

  • Babaguy
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Jolla needs to make dialer & contacts stable . Network connections are also not good .

I think they are not covering the Basic's still .

Next update is on the way so let's wait a little more

sugashrajavelu ( 2017-07-19 07:13:36 +0200 )edit

In order to use your backup, you first need to make sure that you have updated to the same Sailfish version upon which you made a backup, for example, if you were on Sailfish when you made your backup, then update the device to and then try to restoring from your back up.

Spam Hunter ( 2017-07-19 07:52:27 +0200 )edit

Thanks for this. As far as I'm aware, and according to the phone, my version of Sailfish IS the most up-to-date - so it seems to me that the the DEVICE should also be updated - How does one update the DEVICE...? Any answers will be much appreciated!!

  • Babaguy
Babaguy ( 2017-07-19 14:47:03 +0200 )edit

The phone is the DEVICE.

Okay, my bad, it seems I've confused you and myself a little.

IF you made your original back up while using the latest version of Sailfish and you have since reset and updated back to the latest OS, then please ignore my previous post.

Spam Hunter ( 2017-07-20 21:16:35 +0200 )edit

it makes sense to create a question per problem. it also makes sense to use search before submitting one.

sd card: did yoe format it before usage ?

pawel ( 2017-07-21 09:00:54 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2017-07-19 09:33:57 +0200

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2017-07-19 09:37:13 +0200

with respect to finishing a call it seems that the proximity sensor (in the top right corner between the speaker grid and the front camera lens) believes that the phone is close to something (supposedly your ear). Is it possible that the proximity sensor is somehow covered? That would also explain that you cannot wake up your phone by double tapping.

It occurred to me that even a drop of sweat on the proximity sensor was sufficient to block the phone.

EDIT: if you are using a protective sheet on your display it should not cover the proximity sensor.

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good point!

h.berd ( 2017-07-19 10:51:07 +0200 )edit

Yes - THANK YOU for this. I had covered over the "front" camera with a piece of white sticker paper, and I also inadvertently covered the proximity sensor . . . I was trying not to be facially recognized all the time in real time by the device and any others interested . . .

Double Tap to wake up the device works again - and Dialling / Calling / Phone also works correctly now...


  • Babaguy
Babaguy ( 2017-07-21 02:59:10 +0200 )edit

Babaguy, you are welcome!

AkiBerlin ( 2017-07-21 12:08:56 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-19 09:25:51 +0200

AkiBerlin gravatar image

Sailfish utilities will only show up as an icon in the “Settings” and not in the app grid. It is in the last group of icons in settings and the icon is a “+” in a circle.

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Sailfish Utilities DOES show up in "Settings" - Yes. But when I tap on it, nothing happens, no program opens up...

So - Should I uninstall the "Utilities" and then re-install it...?

Thank You All for your lightning fast responses! Great Jolla community - I'm very glad to be finally posting here...!!!

  • Babaguy
Babaguy ( 2017-07-19 15:04:01 +0200 )edit

In Utilities if I tap "Restart network connections" for example you just get a spinning disk then return to Utilities screen with rectangle at stop of screen confirming process. Similarly using EE in UK on AquaFish made to appear as Jolla C by Coderus:link text and SanDisk microSDHC UHS-1 32GB without problems.

aspergerguy ( 2017-07-19 15:49:01 +0200 )edit

In Utilities - if I tap it, NOTHING happens... No response whatever. Does UTILITIES only function when the device is connected to the web . . .?

Again - I ask your opinion - Should I uninstall UTILITIES and then re-install it...?

  • Babaguy
Babaguy ( 2017-07-21 02:56:08 +0200 )edit

Still functions if no net connection, nothing to be lost by uninstalling re-booting and trying again. More information upon utility here:link text

aspergerguy ( 2017-07-21 15:37:17 +0200 )edit

Thank You for the link to the article about UTILITIES . . . It seems I need Utilities - to DELETE / Manage Utilities . . . !!! Next time I'm able to get online w/my Intex Aqua Fish, I'll go to the Jolla Store - DELETE Utilities, and then, I guess - RESTART the device, GO BACK to Jolla Store, and download Utilities again, carefully remembering to cross my fingers this time . . . ! ! !

Thanks, aspergerguy - Much Appreciated...

  • Babaguy
Babaguy ( 2017-07-22 03:20:48 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-19 10:50:19 +0200

h.berd gravatar image

I also use the AF and can't confirm your problems. Maybe its a HW related problem? I used the howto vom coderus to let it be a jolla c. Maybe you can try this too, but also with intex custom rom it worked good for me before.

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answered 2017-07-20 17:49:32 +0200

I have the same device, had problems with it but not the ones listed above. So most probably it's an hardware issue.

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Asked: 2017-07-19 02:22:33 +0200

Seen: 605 times

Last updated: Jul 21 '17