Which social media platforms are a good match for SailfishOS?
asked 2017-08-29 22:48:57 +0200

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Thanks to Sailfish X, and to the Youyota tablet, it looks like some of us will soon get our hands on a SailfishOS + Dalvik device for the first time. This has started me thinking about what social media platforms would make a good match. I am thinking particularly of platforms that:
- Work smoothly with SFOS (maybe with a native SFOS app?)
- Fit in with the philosophy of not profiling/monetizing users, and respecting their privacy
Would some existing SFOS users be prepared to share their experiences and thoughts? I have looked in a superficial way at Wire and JoinDiaspora, and I would be very interested in hearing about how people have got on with them and also other similar platforms on their SFOS devices.
Personally, I am not interested in Facebook or Google stuff: my objections to them are what have kept me interested in SFOS for all this time.
Tooter is a native client for mastodon, open source/distributed twitter-like platform
szopin ( 2017-08-29 23:13:26 +0200 )editi also found rambox as multimessanger quote interesting to watch. although i dont know if this works on a mobile platform. wire is supported, but for that - as it sounds quite nice - the question of.long term financing is still open. currently costs are covered by investors as far as i know...
kaktux ( 2017-08-29 23:16:56 +0200 )editxmpp and diaspora
juiceme ( 2017-08-30 07:40:51 +0200 )edit@juiceme: xmpp is just the protocol, isn't it? I don't intend to do any development. What xmpp client(s) and services work well for you on SFOS? Jabber perhaps, or something else?
pakman ( 2017-08-30 11:21:21 +0200 )editThe 4-Chan app Neliapila is a the best chan reader I have ever experienced. Have to open a browser to interact though
djhowls ( 2017-10-06 13:26:36 +0200 )edit