How can I repair/bypassed the new bug in the application Situations2 after update OS to [answered]
asked 2017-09-01 23:09:20 +0200

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After the OS update to my important Sailfish App "Situations2" had two problems. The actions switch on/off WLAN and BT doesen't work. I ask the developer "PastilliLabs" and got follow answer: "Latest Sailfish release does not allow third parties to control WLAN & BT...Currently it cannot be fixed on application side" Can I manage this problem by myself?
A other older problem is that PastilliLabs unfortunately can not create the same calendar function as in the Android version (switch silent if a calendar event), because the calendar is not compatible. What is the best way to fix this or had anybody a othe app? I use HARBOUR-SITUATIONS2APPLICATION-2.6.114-114. Here's the answer from PastilliLabs: "Unfortunately Sailfish does not provide a working calendar API for 3rd parties, so currently there is no way to make it work..."
The best solution or better idea would be that Sailfish take over all features into Ambience. I mean auto change ambience by calendar entries, time, battery status and free selectable actions like loudness, screen brightness, WLAN, BT, mobile network etc. But temporarily would help me as I can restore the access via Situations2 on WLAN and BT again.
Thanks in advance
On SFOS warehouse provide feedback to the Situations developer on new SFOS updatw and making it compatible.
DarkTuring ( 2017-09-01 23:37:46 +0200 )edit@DarkTuring: @Ralf clearly wrote in the first paragraph that he was already in contact with the developer, who informed him it's apparently a new Sailfish OS limitation for third parties.
nthn ( 2017-09-02 00:07:49 +0200 )editI noticed the same behaviour since I use Situations to enable WiFi based on my location. Hopefully there will be a fix for this or Jolla re-enables this option. Running around with WiFi turned on all the time is a real privacy disaster :(
ghling ( 2017-09-02 10:09:43 +0200 )editMaybe we can write a script and start this with the action command line from Situations. In the moment I use this to play a sound if the profile will change. For play a sound I use follow line:
Ralf ( 2017-09-02 10:35:09 +0200 )editpaplay /home/nemo/Music/Situation/ZuHause.wav
this is certainly also interesting for other users. In MeeGo was it onlyaplay /pfad/*.wav
I will look if I found the right line for WLAN and BT and becouse I a beginner. And then I need the line to start this script. Just I have to learn to write this kind of scripts. I am a expert in Visual Basic but not in linux scripting. We get in contact... Thanks all in advance who has a solution until the problem is solved by the developer.on the evening I will test the followings: command line:
sudo /home/nemo/
My first script:I hope it is right. Maybe anybody can correct the false parts? For BT I can't found a line :o(
Ralf ( 2017-09-02 11:22:19 +0200 )edit