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No mobile data after update to JollaC

asked 2017-09-02 23:55:25 +0200

pasikarkkainen gravatar image

I upgraded to Sailfish on JollaC. Update went fine, and after the update phone calls work OK, but mobile data connection is not available, it stays 'disabled' and cannot be enabled.

(Sailfish asks for the SIM card PIN code and phone calls work OK, only the mobile data connection is not available).

I've verified cellular/mobile settings, and they're unchanged / all OK. I've also powered off the phone, removed the battery and let the phone be powered off like that for a while.. didn't help.

Any tips how to get the mobile data connection working OK?

This is with Elisa 4G SIM in Finland.

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answered 2017-09-03 00:06:43 +0200

pasikarkkainen gravatar image

How typical.. now it works, immediately after posting here :) For some reason I had to click the WLAN icon, and from the available networks list choose the Mobile Data connection.. and then it started working. Now I can enable/disable Mobile Data from the Mobile Data icon.

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Asked: 2017-09-02 23:55:25 +0200

Seen: 242 times

Last updated: Sep 03 '17