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Jolla / Sailfish OS fails (for average users) - what is this company doing? [not a question]

asked 2017-09-09 21:40:50 +0200

t0mps0 gravatar image

updated 2017-09-11 08:45:37 +0200

You can downvote here as much as you like, but bear in mind: I tried to use and love this phone, but after a second chance (Jolla 1 and now Jolla-C) it just fails miserably. I really do dig/love Jolla's UI, its simple and swiping + having all the opened apps on one screen is absolutely wonderful but it is not working.

I have battled with my Jolla-C since day one. I consider myself as an average users, with a bit of technical knowledge (had my device as Sailfish only (no android)). But Sailfish OS is BROKEN. It is not working solidly at all. I know most of these errors I list are already covered on other threads but the point of this particular post is to show how badly this phone fails in everyday use. Please take a look at this list:

  • Phone app disappears when putting call on loudspeaker and closing other apps, call is still on and the app re-appears when call ends

  • Phone app is messing up incoming calls, calls on hold and ended calls

  • Messages might take HOURS before they are delivered (sent inquiry to Telia's number, got the answer 7hrs later, although the time stamp on message was one minute after I sent the inquiry)

  • Adding text to MMS makes two separate messages (MMS AND SMS) and SMS dont get sent

  • Receiving call while headphones on: you cant use the loudspeaker to talk, so you remove the plug. After the call ends the phone freezes / doesnt work and you have to reboot

  • Emails might take hours to reach their destination

  • Email messages re-appear after you deleted them

  • Phone cant connect to PC (USB device not recognised) unless you do a reboot on both machines

  • When copying files from Jolla to PC, "progress windows" usually gets stuck in the end (but files are still copied)

  • Copying files inside phone doesnt always work ("cant copy" atext appears randomly)

  • Browser gets stuck on every session

  • Browser cant open certain pages at all ...

These are the most common tasks users does with the phone and yet the struggle is huge. And this list goes on....how can one use this as an everyday phone?

Almost four years and Sailfish doesnt have stable phone and message apps?

And now one should pay for the Xperia-X port? Give me a break. I'm frustrated and sad this is the case and honestly I do not know what this company is doing.

I cant praise enough how awesome it is finally to have a solid working phone now that I switched to android (Nokia 5).

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The question has been closed for the following reason "not a real question" by nthn
close date 2017-10-03 00:48:45.498485



Sorry for you but all the things you pointed out are not true for my Jolla 1. All these points are really working fine (and I consider me to be an average user, too). No problem with phone calls, sms are sent immediately and e-mail I can handle myself and also see how many % are sent (when settings is openend the cover shows).

I dont downvote since its your personal opinion.

NuklearFart ( 2017-09-09 22:02:03 +0200 )edit

Haven't seen any of the problems on that list (not saying that there aren't bugs in SFOS). kthxbai.

luen ( 2017-09-09 22:03:42 +0200 )edit

The only thing in the list I can agree on, partly, is the browser. I'm using Jolla 1. Occasionally the browser gets stuck on some pages, typically big web pages with lots of scripts. Of course this is also old hardware, but upgrading the browser engine wouldn't hurt. I'm looking forward to using Sailfish on the Sony Xperia X.

johanh ( 2017-09-09 23:00:19 +0200 )edit

The Jolla 1 cost me more than the Sony hardware and Jolla firmware summed up.

Still... Your personal opinion should not be ignored. There are serious issues that need to be dealt with.

Based on Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine the browser does have problems rendering pages and even locks completely on others. My desktop Linux computer also shows problems with rendering some pages in Firefox (that also uses Gecko for rendering). Changes are coming to Firefox for these performance problems but they might take some time to trickle down to the stock browser in Sailfish OS.

My Jolla C needs to handle a lot of phone calls every day, both at work and in my private life. There has indeed been some glitches in handling parking of calls and with the bluetooth headsets I've tested over the years. The OS seem to handle the calls well after the latest update ( Bluetooth has been troublesome for months now but the latest update seems to have fixed most problems too. It is wonderful that answering calls from my loved one now connects her voice to the headset without fiddling with the phone.

Telia (in Sweden) has been my ISP for years and they also supply telephony. There were some problems with sending SMS at the beginning of Sailfish OS 2.0 but not in any of the latest versions. The experience of using the Messaging app is getting diluted, though. There used to be more ways to connect to friends and family, but this isn't something I can blame Jolla for. Some companies don't seem to like open protocols very much.

Waiting for the Sailfish OS port for Sony Xperia X gives me the opportunity to explore a pretty good Android phone. I've never had one of my own before. I found the Oneview Calendar as one example. The system isn't bad but it doesn't take long before the lack of multitasking starts to annoy me. Gestures are better than buttons too, imho.

So I'll stay with Sailfish OS for now, warts and all.

vattuvarg ( 2017-09-09 23:07:01 +0200 )edit

I'm using my Jolla1 daily for more two years now and none of that issues ever appeared on my mobile. Not that there are no bugs in Sailfish but it's far from unusable - maybe you should perform a clean recovery and start all over again

elastic ( 2017-09-09 23:34:56 +0200 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2017-09-10 17:01:46 +0200

tortoisedoc gravatar image

updated 2017-09-11 16:08:44 +0200

i wont downvote; but I wont upvote either. I completely agree with the context of this post. yes, sfos has improved; yes it has also gained some tracktion; but for many reasons alot of features are left hanging in a limbo. out there sfos is known just simply as "not working" (many different sources, some tried it some not). I believe this is a (forced) side effect of relying too much on the community for these features to be implemented. theres a catch however; in that there are barriers for community developers to overcome. first, the os is only partly open source; second, heavy restrictions on harbour. third, no remuneration supportof any kind. the first point brings ideological as well as technical problems (and messy hack workarounds like patchmanager for instance); the second discourages app development and garden-walls the harbour; the third scares developers off economically and discourages developers which do not have bandwidth for implementing licensing features etc.
I do not believe jolla to have all the blame here tho. they try their best, and on top of all these (developer/user) complains fight also with investors, and hardware vendors, and tablet refunds, and markets where bigger players with alot (ALOT) more ressources are dominating. this task just is how it is: overwhelming. the good news is that imo sfos has steadily improved and expanded (hardware wise). so yes we re deep in, but theres light at the end of the tunnel :). remember, all good things take time.

edit: i think the question whetever sfos is a failure or not is not relevant here. the main question i believe is this: where are we with sfos? where will we be going(wrt the points mentioned above) and more importantly, how is / can sfos be different (as an os product, from business to hw) compared to, say, symbian, maemo, meego, bada, palmos, blackberry(this one in particular as it was offering similar capabilities as sfos) what is differentiating it from these (real) failures? is there anything that has been learnt from these failures and done differently (perhaps better / worser) in sfos? and also, what does sfos bring to the table that other os es did not?

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Sailfish OS brings a full linux system (with multitasking, dæmons and package management). It also has a standardized gesture controlled user interface.

The only thing to add is that Sailfish OS has the strangest and wildest community of all mobile operating systems out there (the others have data mining operations, btw). Bumpy rides aplenty, yes, but things never get boring. ...frustrating as hell but never boring.

vattuvarg ( 2017-09-11 20:28:53 +0200 )edit

it sill is a unique experience ;)

tortoisedoc ( 2017-09-12 09:11:38 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-10 01:41:19 +0200

William gravatar image

updated 2017-09-10 01:43:08 +0200

If it's not too late, I would suggest a factory reset.

I'm only encountering issues with the browser from your list. (I'm using phone, email and message app quite regularly, and BT handsfree too. I have both Jolla1 and Jolla C in use.)

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I recently did my first factory reset of my Jolla 1 and it's like a completly new phone. Lots of stupid bugs that I've learned to live with simply disappeard and battery time is much improved. Obviously this is partly due to the fact that I lost some apps and not only due to bit root in the OS. Still, if you have a Sailfish device that has been used for years and it feels more or less broken, try a factory reset.

evk ( 2017-09-11 11:13:53 +0200 )edit

^^ what he said ^^

Spam Hunter ( 2017-09-11 15:27:53 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-10 00:41:04 +0200

chappi gravatar image

Happy to provide the requested downvote.

Your complain list is inacurate in my experience. A pity you are leaving, but I suppose there are more than enough people who do not want to be a Google data cow, appreciate what the jolla company is doing and are ready to pay money for it.

There are issues, yes, but not the ones you listed. (But nice you found a device you are content with!)

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Owner of a Jolla 1 and an Aquafish - the only issue I have ever had (on the J1) is that all the apps completely and randomly jumbled up one time Still can't work out what happened

djhowls ( 2017-09-12 18:44:51 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-10 13:56:21 +0200

NikosAlexandris gravatar image

updated 2017-09-10 13:57:10 +0200

One by one,

  • Phone app disappears when putting call on loudspeaker and closing other apps, call is still on and the app re-appears when call ends

Never had this issue.

  • Phone app is messing up incoming calls, calls on hold and ended calls

Also, never experienced this issue.

  • Messages might take HOURS before they are delivered (sent inquiry to Telia's number, got the answer 7hrs later, although the time stamp on message was one minute after I sent the inquiry)

This is likely related to the network and quality of signal.

  • Adding text to MMS makes two separate messages (MMS AND SMS) and SMS dont get sent

Can't comment on this. I must have sent a very few MMSes and don't remember.

  • Receiving call while headphones on: you cant use the loudspeaker to talk, so you remove the plug. After the call ends the phone freezes / doesnt work and you have to reboot

Not sure, if I see this I'll post here back just to confirm this statement.

  • Emails might take hours to reach their destination

How is this related to the OS or the e-mail application? Is it sure it's not a network issue, or the e-mail's service provider technicality?

  • Email messages re-appear after you deleted them

Which "type" of e-mail protocol is this referring to?

  • Phone cant connect to PC (USB device not recognised) unless you do a reboot on both machines

This appears more to be related to the OS used in the PC and related drivers installed.

  • When copying files from Jolla to PC, "progress windows" usually gets stuck in the end (but files are still copied)

Rather an OS issue.

  • Copying files inside phone doesnt always work ("cant copy" atext appears randomly)

Which operating system, which file transfer protocol, etc.

  • Browser gets stuck on every session

Could it be that something went wrong with the installation or upgrade of SailfishOS?

  • Browser cant open certain pages at all ...


I use Jolla 1, and have never touched a Jolla C. Regardless, one should really provide details for each of there in order to enable ease of understanding and how to replicate. What Operating System (Sailfish OS version? Which OS/version powers the PC), communication protocols and service providers... and many more details.

After all, Jolla C is a device for Community and Developers with Sailfish OS.

Clearly there have been problems. There are still many and there will be. How does this "Question" help though any understanding or effort to improve?

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answered 2017-09-10 19:29:45 +0200

pawel gravatar image

exactly, if the question would be like: this is why i've left SFOS , it's fine with me. but SFOS will not fail due to some missing features. if will fail if it does not find a market or does not have a plan to be financially sound in a nieche.

after 2 weeks on xperia x with android is see only two nice features: delete mails with a swipe define with what app you want to open a link or file.. that's it

on the downside some fucking piece of sw asks me on arrival to comment the place that i 've just reached. i guess i can turn this off somehow. location history is turned on per default etc..

so yes i am counting the days.. till i can flash the device

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answered 2017-09-10 22:43:12 +0200

Kollin gravatar image

Somewhat agree with the OP. I received my Jolla 1 in December 2013 and the software was Beta version.. Xperia X in September 2017 and the SailfishOS is still beta. The total price(device + OS) is roughly the same. Not encouraging at all! :/ Just saying...

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The cost might be roughly the same, but the hardware of the XX is more potent. But I still like the size of the J1 better...

vattuvarg ( 2017-09-10 23:11:07 +0200 )edit

@vattuvarg The size of N9 was even better! ;)

Kollin ( 2017-09-10 23:36:45 +0200 )edit

@Kollin - I wished for a long time that jolla would produce a small phone. Not for me, but for my daughter.

vattuvarg ( 2017-09-11 10:15:49 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2017-09-09 21:40:50 +0200

Seen: 2,541 times

Last updated: Sep 11 '17