Bug: media player currently pauses/resumes audio on any audio notification
When listening to music on the media player with headphones, currently on any audio notification (e.g. SMS/xmpp message, new emails alert) the media player will pause the current track, play the notification, and resume the music. I understand the behaviour for things like incoming telephone conversations but it becomes very intrusive say with SMS or Jabber conversations.
The desired behaviour would be an audio notification overlayed over the media player rather than the pause-notify-resume as currently.
Need to do more research as the behaviour may change depending upon whether the application notifying has focus or not but if it doesn't, it's annoying if you're listening to music.
As you mentioned, there also need to be different notification classes. Some might pause/mute other audio but others don't need to.
Yaniel ( 2013-12-28 23:57:55 +0300 )It is a really annoying behaviour and I would like to see a fix for this. :) Would be great to have some N9-like behaviour.
Alex ( 2014-02-09 13:09:41 +0300 )Interestingly the behaviour is different, if the music is put out via the headphone jack or via bluetooth. Via the jack music gets interrupted, via bluetooth the notifications are overlayed.
michfu ( 2016-02-25 11:26:35 +0300 )