Calanders not appearing after CALDAV account creation.
OK pretty simple. I have a Nextcloud server and I use it to sync all my devices to same calendars and contacts as I need them. So I went to Add Account. CardDAV/CalDAV account. Typed in username/password, server and the correct paths (sans the server URL) and it accepted it and all was well.
So my CardDAV contacts were imported, you cannot see them as a list, but they do appear in People and when you search for names.
However, my Calendar seems not to have added the CalDAV calendars. No errors. Just don't appear in the calendar app.
Now I have a sneaky feeling that the path it is asking for was to a single calendar where as I have 6 calendars on my server for different purposes.
So does Sailfish CalDAV support multiple calendars? Or am I going to have to do some hack to make that possible?
Thoughts anyone? Thanks.
With my remote calendars, each has a unique path. CalDav calendar in my SailfishX and Jolla 1 work with the server address set to e.g. (I left path unset). Another of my calendars is at /calendars/user/cxqhkb/. I reckon you may attempt to add multiple CalDav accounts, one for each calendar. Hope this helps.
woodenmo ( 2017-10-14 18:36:25 +0200 )editYeah I figure it might be like this but that is a chore to say the least as the credentials need to re entered every time for every calendar which as I say I have 6 of at least.
Time to flag it as a bug methinks. Only I am not sure which application is to blame. Possibly the Accounts-SSO.
On android I use DavDroid which is very very good. However does not work so well under android emulation. Still the code is open source so if some tweaks are needed I am sure we can roll it into the sailfish implementation.
veritanuda ( 2017-10-14 20:30:07 +0200 )edit