Jolla Utilities to clear Tracker Database failed and unable to see images from SD-Card in Gallery
I inserted the SD card containing pictures in android folder, was using it in Jolla1. It wasn't indexing and showing images in Gallery. I tried to clear Tracker Database which is failing on new SailfishX.
I even tried playing around with tracker daemon
but didn't worked. Is it a known behavior/bug or its only me who is suffering to get images in Gallery?
If you are referring to Sailfish Utilities for resetting tracker, forget it, it's broken and Jolla doesn't seem to care or perhaps they are unaware, but it has been reported several times, including on the acutal app itself in Jolla Store.
As for using tracker manually, do this in terminal;
tracker reset -e
Welcome to TJC :)
Spam Hunter ( 2017-10-31 22:01:23 +0200 )editThanks for your welcoming comment :) So, its known-ignored issue ;). I tried above command, it does reset tracker, but images from SD card are still not shown. Any idea?
gr8abbasi ( 2017-10-31 22:29:30 +0200 )editNo idea, sorry. I only use Whatsapp to keep in touch with my dear old ma, but only for chatting, so I've no experience with images from Android sources, plus I only have Jolla1, so it's difficult to make any kind of observation of the situation. There are some pretty big brains on this forum, I'm sure someone can give you better help. If I think of anything, I'll let you know. I wouldn't go as far to say that the problem with Sailfish Utilities is being ignored, rather it's likely been noticed but isn't a priority for Jolla......but, maybe it is being ignored, hard to say in reality, only Jolla knows :D
Spam Hunter ( 2017-10-31 23:27:17 +0200 )editI see, thanks for your help. Yeah, agree probably its not on priority!
gr8abbasi ( 2017-10-31 23:47:59 +0200 )editWorkaround: erase (as root) all files in /home/nemo/.cache/tracker/ then reboot.
objectifnul ( 2017-11-01 10:03:08 +0200 )edit