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[bug] google shared read-only calendar does not sync.

asked 2017-11-01 16:22:15 +0200

stephan gravatar image

updated 2019-01-08 11:45:17 +0200

maslovalex gravatar image

Hi, I've got a strange problem: I've created a family-calendar on google and my Jolla is nicely syncing to it. On my wife's phone (Intex Sailfish) family-events are visible - so events I create on my phone are synced to her's - but if she enters events, they never are synced to google. So it seems, she's got read-only syncing on her phone. I checked google settings and tried to fix it on her phone - but it seems I can't get it to work. Any ideas?

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2 Answers

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answered 2017-11-01 18:23:41 +0200

Spark gravatar image

updated 2017-11-01 18:24:14 +0200

I've got a strange problem: I've created a family-calendar on google

That's where the post can be cut. Question and implicit answer in one.

(sorry for off-topic)

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Please enlighten me: you mean that's per se not a working setup?

stephan ( 2017-11-01 18:54:23 +0200 )edit

per se a non-desirable setup. Why set your family up on Sailfish OS and then fall back to google services? Google tools are made to conveniently work on Android with all advantages and drawbacks.

Spark ( 2017-11-01 19:07:37 +0200 )edit

ok, that's a good point!

stephan ( 2017-11-01 19:37:19 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-11-01 19:39:23 +0200

stephan gravatar image

Tried something else: I setup a memotoo account for synchronizing - It just works! I guess the problem was not with SailfishOS but with google's calendar sharing capabilities ...

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Asked: 2017-11-01 16:22:15 +0200

Seen: 272 times

Last updated: Jan 08 '19