Zendesk support overwhelmed or non existing?

asked 2017-11-06 18:20:37 +0200

HeinrichJolla gravatar image

just curious:

when Zendesk support is unable to solve one issue within several weeks are they overwhelmed or non-existing as a role (i.e. someone doing it from time to time) ?

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Just curious: what is your issue? :)

Sthocs ( 2017-11-06 19:15:45 +0200 )edit

I emailed support some weeks ago regarding ongoing problems with the SDK, I've not had a reply since.

Spam Hunter ( 2017-11-06 19:24:41 +0200 )edit

Weird they usually have been responsive to me within less than a week over the last couple years.

XFish ( 2017-11-06 20:29:08 +0200 )edit

Jolla care seems to be a scale for the complexity of a question. The longer they take, the more complex the underlying answer :D I got replies on all my puny requests on the same day. Maybe simplify your question?

mosen ( 2017-11-06 21:07:16 +0200 )edit

My question was not complicated, but their answer came 2 weeks after the question, and the answer was to provide them with more detail. (It was about their famous problem with no matching accounts to android licenses). Now with more details, again 1 week passed w/o answer. So, this made me aksing the question. I really would be disappointed if it is actually a don't care support. Btw, does anyone know if it is possible to get refund for its sailfish x? I would definetely consider this option, if supports doesnt handle the issues it is expected to resolve quicly !

HeinrichJolla ( 2017-11-08 13:25:54 +0200 )edit