Best way to use Facebook / Facebook messenger / Whatsapp
I just installed Sailfish X and it's great.
Tho, I have two "problems".. I want to be able to use facebook messenger and whatsapp (facebook not so much).
So, i thought i would see guidance here.. What is the best way to use facebook messenger on Sailfish X? Should I get the app from Amazon Store/aptoide? Or is there a native app somewhere? Sailbook is a bit sluggish.. And Friends does not work. Same goes for whatsapp and Facebook.
It is safe to put in my login credentials into an app that I downloaded from Aptoide/Amazon Store?
Thanks, Andrei.
--- Edit ---
Is there a way to respond and read facebook messages without the facebook apps? Like a centralization app that gathers messages from different platforms (facebook/whats/telegram/wechat/etc.) ?
The best way to use Facebook / Facebook messenger / Whatsapp is to not use Facebook / Facebook messenger / Whatsapp.
ScumCoder ( 2018-01-09 11:15:51 +0200 )editTry Sailbook available on the Jolla Store
A nice native Sailfish App integrating both Facebook and Messenger
RodSeq ( 2018-01-09 16:53:50 +0200 )edit