Bluetooth audio route not working on some devices
I can pair my original Jolla phone, Sailfish OS (Kymijoki), successfully with all sorts of bluetooth end devices, namely two different VW cars, one Ford car, and an Amazon Echo and a Sony ST5000 soundbar.
On the cars, the phonebook and freehand phone works great. However, I can only use bluetooth audio on the Ford car, the soundbar and one of the VWs, while for the Echo and the second VW car the audio remains silent. In fact, it is only silent, because the volume on my phone is set to silent, so if I tune it up using the volume buttons, on the phone, then I can hear the audio coming from the phone speakers instead of the bluetooth device. Obviously the audio is not routed to the bluetooth device, but to the phone speakers instead. Volume controls on the bluetooth device also have no effect, they are ignored.
EDIT: I have the freehand speaking only working on one car, the one where audio playback is working fine.
This bug persists regardless of the app used to play audio (native Media app, Muuzik, any emulated Android app).
Interestingly, all the devices used to work (at some earlier Version of SailfishOS, I'm not saying it was neccessarily the last one).
I have tried to do a full reset of my Jolla to factory settings, but that didn't eliminate the bug. I have deleted the connection to my Jolla at the bluetooth devices and reconnected them, but that didn't solve it, either.
Can someone else confirm this bug or does anyone have some advice?
Update 1 (23.01.2018): I have taken the "draconian measure" of buying a new car to have bluetooth support. Of course not, in fact, my leasing period on the previous car just ended and I got a new VW Golf: I connected my Jolla and lo and behold, the BT connection works as intended: phone and freehand is okay, as well as having audio from Media app and Muuzik. I slowly get the impression, that the faulty behaviour only occurs, if the devices have been connected at a previous time, or if the connection was perhaps terminated irregularly (Car shutdown, power off at Amazon echo, Battery safe shutdown of Jolla)?
Update 2 (22.02.2018): I yesterday did the early access update to 2.1.4 / Lapuanjoki, and today my phone cannot connect to the car it has been connected to yesterday before the update. I tried making both devices 'forget' each other and connect anew, but I only get audio from the devce speakers now, not from the car. This leads me to believe, that somewhere the connecton profile is still saved on either device, and that it has somehow become 'invalid', as the operating system has changed.
Hi @marc
This is a known problem and is basically a continual regression for Sailfish. Jolla is aware of this, but never seems to do anything about it. Your question is essentially, a duplicate, one of many, but for some reason (usually down to how others word their titles) I am unable to find the original questions. Nonetheless, please do use search before posting your questions so 'we' don't fill the place up with multiples of the same question. My advice, be patient and wait for Jolla to fix it - no amount of resetting will fix this problem. With any luck it will be fixed in the next update ~ I miss not being able to bluetooth my music to my laptop/amp set up.
Spam Hunter ( 2018-01-17 13:40:06 +0200 )editHi @Edz, thank you for your response, allthough I'd have preferred a solution.
As for searching, of course I did search and I believe I did it horoughly, but I didn't come up with this very special case where for some devices the BT audio works, and for some it doesn't. Where for some other similar questions it was determined that a proprietary BT device software wouldn't work with Sailfish BT, I have the different devices working and not working at the same time (even two different cars from the same manufacturer with a similar board-computer unit, obviously).
This bug has been persistent for me for months now, and it's getting annoying. Still thank you for your time.
marc ( 2018-01-17 13:47:08 +0200 )editWe'd all prefer a solution @marc, but for that, I'm afraid we must wait for Jolla to pull their collective fingers out and get on with it, but it seems they are too busy creating more problems with new projects like SailfishX...which seems to dilute their ability to get older problems fixed.
Yes, it is annoying, I've watched stuff happen like this for the last 5 years. Jolla seems to have a habit of breaking things with every update.
The search facility for TJC is abysmal, that is for sure.
Spam Hunter ( 2018-01-17 13:53:18 +0200 )edit@marc here is a somewhat related post, albeit from a different perspective:
Also different SFOS devices behave differently with the same BT peripherals.
lakutalo ( 2018-01-19 22:23:21 +0200 )editThank you, I read through that but I won't be able to make anything from it, aside from taking solace in the fact that I am not the only one left with this problem.
marc ( 2018-01-21 16:31:24 +0200 )edit