Akward question about Sailfish as name for an OS
asked 2018-01-23 03:06:51 +0200

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Sorry if my question is offtopic enough to the forum purpose, but, did u ever asked yourself why did Jolla named their fork of Meego as "Sailfish"? Is it cause the Sailfish is considered one of fastest fishs? Theres any cultural relation to Finland or something related to their roots?
regarding this i asked myself how other companies with mobile os and actually names that are nowwhere nearly related got their names from. so the burning platform referekce seems to me no further away than visiting a fruit farm for inspiration.
kaktux ( 2018-01-24 10:36:14 +0200 )editWhatever the actual reason, the word 'sailfish' itself sounds like a fish swimming through, or a sailboat sailing on top of water, fast, smooth, slick. Not a bad way to implant the idea the OS is fast, smooth and slick (luckily, the idea also happens to be true).
nthn ( 2018-01-26 00:55:01 +0200 )edit