Any legal way to get Alien Dalvik on X Compact? [answered]
Now the SFOS community image for the X Compact is out, I wonder if is there any way to install Alien Dalvik if I buy the Sailfish X official image?
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Now the SFOS community image for the X Compact is out, I wonder if is there any way to install Alien Dalvik if I buy the Sailfish X official image?
I don't know if it is legal or not[*] but after I had to return my first (faulty) Xperia X I simply installed the Alien Dalvik RPMs on the new device:
pkcon install-local aliendalvik-1.0.82-1.armv7hl.rpm apkd-android-settings-0.7.28-10.36.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm
[*] I paid for a SailfishX license so I consider this to be be (at least morally) right to have backed up the Dalvik RPMs from my previous device and reused them on the new one.
romu70 ( 2018-03-01 15:16:23 +0200 )editOne'd expect with the activation of the sfos license the correct packages to be made available for install .... but maybe it's a too high of an expectation :)
Yeah, I wonder why???? I mean, they could just open up the licensing to the generic SFOS plateu, which would include then all (mobile) devices... It would be an incentive for the community to put SFOS on device x and y; and it would help funding jolla.
tortoisedoc ( 2018-03-01 17:36:10 +0200 )editSailorgram works perfectly ( But you need the extra build for SFOS > 2.1.0 ( Maybe the alpha fork from coderus ( or works as well, never tried it.
naytsyrhc ( 2018-03-02 08:13:42 +0200 )editMy similar question went unanswered by any official.
Though it might be possible to just copy necessary libs (bear in mind that mounting the root image is a bit of a hassle - you have to decode it from android format and then there's LVM)
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Asked: 2018-03-01 10:53:38 +0200
Seen: 4,548 times
Last updated: Mar 02 '18
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and no guarantee at all if sfosx aliendalvik will work on your device
coderus ( 2018-03-01 10:55:57 +0200 )editthe X Compact is close enough to the Xperia X that it does work just fine, and it would be nice if people could buy a Sailfish X licence and enable the proprietary packages.
But selling things with zero guarantees is probably illegal anyway
r0kk3rz ( 2018-03-01 11:49:09 +0200 )editWhen using the account with which SailfishOSX was purchased as a Jolla account, Jollas Store would probably offer the Android support for installation. But if the installation routine is suitable to fulfill the dependencies of the packages against the community image - I wouldn't bet on that.
Moo-Crumpus ( 2018-03-01 11:54:19 +0200 )edit@Moo-Crumpus afaik the proprietary stuff is guarded by both Jolla Account (with sailfish x licence) and the device codename, so unless it says 'F5121' it won't offer it for download
r0kk3rz ( 2018-03-01 13:30:11 +0200 )editThe codename is suzu BTW :-)
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2018-03-01 22:36:32 +0200 )edit