Media player subdivides album after year tag [answered]
After upgrading my Xperia to, media are subdivided after the year tag.
Where I previously had one album with about 400 podcast titles, I now have about 400 albums ordered in descending order.
An examination of the tags in the media files, has shown that the year tag contains a date, hence an album pr. file.
Other podcasts has other interesting values in the year tag, making it very confusing to find the next episode in the series.
I have the same issue, both now in Sailfish X (from 2.1.4) and since long time ago in my laptop running openSUSE Tumbleweed. I guess it's some kind of underlying lib that doesn't know what to do with the year-field. Frustrating! To spend all that time adding which year a song was recorded or released...
Lars Maria ( 2018-03-07 15:16:49 +0200 )edit@Lars Maria: I don't know where you get your music from, but the date tag is one of the most basic tags there is for all music formats, and it should always already be filled in before you get the music files on your device. Even when ripping a CD, this information is automatically retrieved and your music is automatically tagged correctly.
nthn ( 2018-03-10 12:53:41 +0200 )edit