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[SailfishX] recorded audio volume low

asked 2018-04-04 00:33:28 +0200

h.berd gravatar image

updated 2018-09-01 15:35:48 +0200


the volume for audio messages in the android telegram app and in the native camera video app is too low for me. Sometimes I speak directly in the microphone to record an audio message in telegram and the receiver can't understand it. I also had done some videos, where the recorded volume could be much higher. For example, if somebody is speaking 2m away you can't understand anything on a other phone except SaifishX. On SailfishX I have the 'too loud' bug to understand all these low volume recordings, but on a Iphone this doesn't work for example.

Can I change the volume for recordings anywhere and will it effect the volume of the telegram audio messages?

Thanks and all the best!

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confirm, volume is to low :(

cvp ( 2018-04-04 14:32:44 +0200 )edit

also audio.recorder.on xperiax is ...

pawel ( 2018-04-05 07:05:24 +0200 )edit

I can confirm this bug, with both WhatsApp voice messages, and the native "Recorder" app from Jolla Store. I'll post this to the SailfishX bug thread too.

txus ( 2018-08-31 18:18:21 +0200 )edit

I have that bug too. People on the phone with me complain about the internal microphones volume. They can barely understand me.

A samsung headsets volume is much higher than the internal microphones.

So it seems not to be a general audio input problem but one of the internal microphone.

Nuke33 ( 2018-09-18 16:12:17 +0200 )edit

Same with Threema voice messages (and Recorder-App too). No problems with the volume when talking on the phone.

horschi ( 2018-09-21 23:37:21 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-03-13 01:18:33 +0200

hammerhead gravatar image

As outlined by user @Edz in an answer, the microphone volume can be adjusted using pacmd:

# Set recording volume to 250%
pacmd set-source-volume source.primary 163840

(I doubt that normal phone calls go through PulseAudio, so this should not affect those.)

You can verify the new setting is active by commanding the following:

# Show details about the second audio source
pacmd list-sources | grep -A11 'index: 2'

The question is how to persist the setting across reboots. The following configuration (source), for example, has no effect:

# This should persist the setting across reboots, but DOES NOT
echo -e '.include /etc/pulse/default.pa
set-source-volume source.primary 163840' > ~/.config/pulse/default.pa

Providing the settings in /etc/pulse/default.pa also fails.

Maybe some other user has a solution to this (?)

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For those interested: If you add the command to the ~/.bashrc file, you "only" need to start the Terminal app once upon reboot in order to set the volume (echo 'pacmd set-source-volume source.primary 163840' >> ~/.bashrc). That's just a workaround until a clean solution is found.

hammerhead ( 2019-03-13 01:31:08 +0200 )edit

htop shows me that pulseaudio is being run with the parameters
-n --file=/etc/pulse/arm_droid_default.pa

The man page of PA states that -ndisables loading default.pa from both home and the /etc system path.

Thus, editing the custom 'droid' config directly is necessary.
Following the advice not to directly change global Pulse config files from the ARCH wiki I created a user configuration at ~/.config/pulse and sourced it in the droid one like this:

### Load local config from Nemo
.ifexists /home/nemo/.config/pulse/custom-rec-volume.pa
 .include /home/nemo/.config/pulse/custom-rec-volume.pa

pacmd list-sources displays the volume of source.primary as 131072 after rebooting

rozgwi ( 2019-03-28 23:02:39 +0200 )edit

As @mrtrm noted in the other question, it might be interesting to investigate unwanted side effects to the record volume while calling

rozgwi ( 2019-03-28 23:09:44 +0200 )edit

I could change the volume of the mic by using the following command: pactl set-source-volume 2 200% where "2" is the number of the specific mic. This seems to have the same effect than the command above. However, I do not have any solution to change the volume automatically after boot.

Woidboy ( 2020-04-28 10:51:38 +0200 )edit

@Woidboy: does adding a custom config and sourcing it from the default pulseaudio as described above config work for you?

rozgwi ( 2020-04-28 14:08:59 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-09-02 08:43:03 +0200

luxbrux gravatar image

confirm bug...

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This is not an answer, please try and avoid using answer boxes for commenting, thanks.

Spam Hunter ( 2018-11-25 12:58:38 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2018-04-04 00:33:28 +0200

Seen: 1,004 times

Last updated: Mar 13 '19