Path to SDCard, update
Jolla has changed the path to sdcard. only apps from jolla are aware of this , as camera. :-( All other apps don't find the sdcard anymore! Must they all do updates or is there a workaroubd for this, which I can apply ?
edit: to clarify : I use the app ownKeepass and the passwordcontainer is on the sdcard ... now i can not access it :-(( .
Or maps are on sdcard ....
Thanks, Helge
Ps: Jolla is aware of this (see update notes, link to sdcard : filenbrowser did not show sdcard) but gives no help. incredible.
@h___m notice that is EA release. it's dedicated for developers to test their apps and fix them. For example like with sd card path.
as a solution you can try to make symlink to new mount point
atlochowski ( 2018-06-07 21:05:14 +0200 )editNot EA anymore...
bocephus ( 2018-06-07 21:17:31 +0200 )edityou can still navigate to sd card in filebrowser from root
pawel ( 2018-06-07 21:27:01 +0200 )editI haven't EA enabled.
h___m ( 2018-06-07 22:06:01 +0200 )editMy galerie, camera does.not
NuklearFart ( 2018-06-08 22:30:13 +0200 )edit