Unicode Characters in Calendar (CalDav) [released]
When I am trying to add a calendar item with some Russian characters, it gets creaded and saved on the phone alright. However when it goes through the sync and comes back, it is displayed with HTML(?) codes instead.
It works as expected when I work with Thunderbird. So, it seems that there is a problem when displaying unicode characters in Sailfish Calendar in my case:
I am using SOGo CalDav.
Is there any way of fixing it?
Edit: this should be fixed in 3.2.1. If some problems are still occurring with HTML entities on device, please reopen the question.
I have no problem with nextCloud CalDav. Just tested with previously added event — Cyrillic characters displayed correctly.
Marzanna ( 2018-06-12 12:09:55 +0200 )editI have tested it on an Android device with DavDroid. it seems to be working there okay.
tridy ( 2018-06-12 12:48:33 +0200 )editSame here. I have mentioned the problem in CAlDAV/CardDAV testing thread (https://together.jolla.com/question/158893/caldavcarddav-testing-volunteers-requested/#comment-173266). As a workaround, I have used EAS for some time instead, but it stopped working since 2.2 :/
briest ( 2018-06-23 16:49:18 +0200 )editI would like to try to correct your problem, but, I cannot reproduce it. I've tested to create an event on device or on server and sync on device, modify on device and re-sync… No way to obtain your issue with mailbox.org CalDAV implementation.
May I ask you which server you're using ? May be, you can follow these steps to gather logs from the sync plugin ?
Damien Caliste ( 2019-06-03 14:30:47 +0200 )editI am (my provider) is using SOGo server. I do not know how to get the version number of it though. Do i do it via command line?
At this point, I cannot even add a new CalDAV/CardDAV account. I have the links to the calendar and address book addresses but when I try adding them to the new account in Sailfish OS (, I constantly get an error that something went wrong. What do I use as "Server Address" ? Is there a manual somewhere on how to add CalDAV and CardDAV?
tridy ( 2019-06-22 14:48:06 +0200 )edit