Link opens last viewed browser tab [not relevant]
Often, maybe 40-50% of the times, when I click a link in an email or sms the native browser opens the last viewed browser tab instead of the clicked link.
I've got to swipe back and click again and most of the times it works at the 2nd click, sometimes I enter the right page first at the 3d click.
Does it happens to anyone else? To me it seems like a bug, but i'm a bit confused cause I can't find anything about it here at together.
I have seen this. Happens randomly. Like also whether browser opens a new tab / window when opening eg. facebook trough notification seems to be completely random.
Vesa ( 2014-01-23 12:26:29 +0200 )edithm I, and the other two, seems to have answered a different question?
question: "links doesn't open, I'm seeing the previous web page"
all answers: "question is 'links opens over the last viewed web page"
Now I'm confused ...
phle ( 2014-03-07 10:34:52 +0200 )editSorry for not being here at together for a while. I haven't seen the issue since update to
veskuhs comment to phle's answer seems to answer the issue "links opens over the last viewed web page".
JS ( 2014-03-07 15:48:22 +0200 )edit