Sailfish 3 - Sailfish X Bug Fixes [answered]
Hi, I have read through many of the Sailfish X / Xperia bug threads on here, including what seems like the main one as it's a wiki and quite comprehensive: (with some reasonably fundamental bugs still on there).
Has there been any official communication on whether the imminent Sailfish 3 will be addressing any of these items? I'm so close to biting the bullet, setting sail and joining the sailfish club by getting an X and buying SailfishX but am a bit put off by some of the issues listed, for example no speakerphone? Tiny available internal disk space? Roaming issues + mobile settings getting lost?
It's also hard to tell from that thread, how many people have the particular issues, how many are rogue problems unique to one individual / device and how many are widespread. Is there any resource to monitor the bugs and how prevalent they are? It would be great if there was a list bugs along with a list of users that experience those bugs - a bit like you can see on Github with something like a thumbs up on a particular bug.
Apologies if this shouldn't be a new thread I just felt it would be good to get answers as to whether any bugs listed were being / have been addressed in the new Sailfish 3 release.
usually this list is part of the release notes
pawel ( 2018-08-25 17:30:28 +0200 )editWe don't get notified or told what is or what isn't going to be fixed, this is akin to "how long is a bit of string", the truth is, no one knows except those in the driving seats at JollaHQ. You might catch utterance of "we will address that in the next OS update" but it does not guarantee that it will. In my opinion, if you are heavily reliant on many aspects of a mobile device, then perhaps to hang back for a while longer until things improve.....but when might they improve?, no one knows, just like we don't know when SFOS3 will actually be rolled out, there are rumours and roughly said times, but those of us who have been here from the start, know that "it will be ready in xxx" can be taken largely with a pinch of salt and you maybe waiting months more. If you are keen, then just do it and strap in for the journey, you can always sell it if you don't like it, there is always someone willing to 'give it shot'. Personally, I have 2 x Jolla1 to kill before I even consider getting anything else.
Spam Hunter ( 2018-08-25 18:01:41 +0200 )editYou can get an idea from the number of upvotes that the bug thread has. For what it's worth, here's my data point: on my Sailfish X I had no roaming problems (except when trying to do actually impossible things like using the dual-SIM in a country with no 2G network), I never lost mobile settings, and I can connect my Bluetooth headset but I get some audio artifacts/interference if wifi is active. The internal space isn't too small; I have 45GB in the main partition (5122 w/ 64GB) and I'm currently using 15.
Federico ( 2018-08-25 23:23:39 +0200 )editSpeaker phone is fixed.
rfa ( 2018-08-27 01:13:02 +0200 )editRegarding the roaming issues :
the latest version of
(the system deamon that handles cell network connection) available in the current verions of Sailfish X has immensly progressed since the original release. It's much more stable nowadays.on the very rare case a problem arises, usually switching the airplane mode on and off solves it. (I haven't needed to restart the connection daemons anymore). Back in the beginning, you used to need to reboot the phone.
DrYak ( 2018-08-27 18:39:40 +0200 )edit