mpris - not - allowed (and if not why does gpodder uses it)
Is the usage of mpris allowed on harbour?
When building a package with mpris-qt5 required the SDK validation fails. But gpodder is build with it.
(try to build it into my podQast app...)
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Is the usage of mpris allowed on harbour?
When building a package with mpris-qt5 required the SDK validation fails. But gpodder is build with it.
(try to build it into my podQast app...)
Just go and build your own:
Or carefully read:
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Asked: 2018-10-15 21:56:36 +0200
Seen: 574 times
Last updated: Oct 18 '18
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The harbour version of gpodder is quite old, and I don't think it includes the mpris controls.
feodoran ( 2018-10-16 22:49:48 +0200 )edit