Xperia X fails to update to and remains stuck in error screen [answered]
I updated to via OTA but it failed. It says ~"SailfishOS could not be updated. Try again later!" There is Restart text which I clicked but it didn't do anything. Now I'm stuck in the updater error screen and can not boot or use the phone. Pressing the power button does nothing. How to resolve the situation?
UPDATE1: I found out you can reboot the phone by pressing Power button and Volume UP button for several seconds!
UPDATE2: After reboot I'm back to So I tried to update again, with identical results. Can not update! How to successfully update?
UPDATE3: I managed to update manually using Developer tools:
ssu release
version --dup
+1 :( Will try command line next
ehakkarainen ( 2018-11-09 09:17:00 +0200 )edit