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Adopting abandoned apps?

asked 2018-12-04 22:45:23 +0200

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updated 2020-03-21 23:14:03 +0200

Direc gravatar image

Hello Sailors!

I stumbled across Picross in Jolla Store a year back, but it didn't work at all. At some point a fatal bug had slipped in the release version, or something, but there was a patch for it already. I tested it and it worked - and I liked the game, too. I decided to fix the application properly and publish it, and ended up rewriting some parts of it.

This gave me an idea; are there any other community-provided applications that you would like to use, but are no longer maintained? Submit your suggestions in answers, and I see what I can do :)

Edit: This question was inspired by Sailfish Devember, so make sure you check out that, too!

Edit: Translators are always needed! Many of the projects I picked up are not quite up to date... Please consider helping the community by translating a few applications if you can spare an hour or two.

How are the projects progressing, you ask? First the more active ones:

  • GPSInfo
    • Mostly done for now at least
    • Bar chart component may have to be re-implemented (without qcharts.js...)
  • YTplayer
    • Uses custom-made "youtube-dl-lite" for speed
      (It means youtube-dl script execution kind of speed, not download faster speed :)
  • Battery Buddy
    • Finally supports automatically pausing/resuming charging the battery!
    • Landscape orientation support
    • No longer Jolla Store compatible; only from OpenRepos from now on

Then the ones that haven't had much attention lately, but forgotten they are not, trust me:

  • CarBudget: Pushed layout fixes to condo4, hopefully he still updates the app... (11.2.2019)
  • SailKino: major UI rework done and released (25.2.2019)
  • CountMe 2: Screen blanking prevention added. (12.2.2019)
  • Picross 2: Updated welcome screen, translations added. (12.2.2019)

The future of these ones is unclear to me (but you can help, too):

  • Daedalus: It compiled and ran almost out-of-the box!
  • SMPC: Not started yet.
  • PhoneHook: Not started yet, but definitely on my list :)
  • Call Flasher: In consideration. It may be possible, but the results may be poor. Looking at it later this year.
  • Squeeze UI: In consideration. It's hard to test this, as I don't have a Squeebox... https://openrepos.net/content/pawelspoon/squeeze-ui-remote-ps
  • File Browser (although it is not abandoned): I am implementing support for other applications to open files and folders in the application. Serious nerd snipe at the moment! Need to learn D-Bus first...
  • Swipe URL in browser toolbar right/left in order to go back/forward - updated to latest sailfish, forked, with pull request, also released on OpenRepos
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Even abondend apps on OpenRepos that with some TLC may find their way in the Jolla store?

JSEHV ( 2018-12-04 23:51:04 +0200 )edit


Direc ( 2018-12-05 00:42:35 +0200 )edit

These two I miss:

Phonehook: https://openrepos.net/content/omnight/phonehook

Call Recorder: https://openrepos.net/content/dpurgin/call-recorder

kaari ( 2018-12-05 03:05:57 +0200 )edit

I miss "Daily Comics" from tardypad on OpenRepos: https://openrepos.net/content/tardypad/daily-comics

Code is here:


And maybe you can improve it by enabling users to edit and fix the comics definitions/urls.

melg01 ( 2018-12-05 06:25:53 +0200 )edit

Daedalus Musicplayer: https://openrepos.net/content/djselbeck/daedalus-musicplayer

In my eyes the best player for SailfishOS, but unfortunately no longer able to get/display album information since Sailfish

dyraig ( 2018-12-05 10:10:40 +0200 )edit

33 Answers

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answered 2019-03-07 12:42:34 +0200

babo gravatar image

updated 2019-03-07 12:47:50 +0200

Does anyone know where I can find LUX ? Its a flashlight app I have installed on J1.However, it seems I can't find it anywhere on the internet including openrepos.


And I need to know if it is possible to transfer the app(or the app files) from my J1 to my XA2.

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Maybe a silly guestion, but why not use native flashlight switch from top menu? I'm not familiar with Lux thou.

mSorvisto ( 2019-03-07 13:03:39 +0200 )edit

I think it has become obsolete because the way to toggle the flashlight has changed. in the j1 you had to write a file, but that way was made impossible in one of the updates (some years ago). If the app uses the j1 way to toggle the flashlight, it won't work on the XA2. Hammerhead (aparently also abandonded) uses gstreamer, but nowadays you have a toggle in the standard settings.

rgrnetalk ( 2019-03-07 15:13:05 +0200 )edit

Yes; Android software binaries expose the flashligh to the OS in such way that gstreamer must be involved. It's really dumb in my opinion, but that's how Qualcomm has made it be...

Direc ( 2019-03-07 22:09:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-12-02 17:58:18 +0200

xbt123ufo gravatar image

updated 2019-12-02 17:59:42 +0200

Prxrv—native pixiv app

Can't login now . Don't know if it's abandoned or not but it's not working anymore and it hasn't been updated for a long time. Hope this app can come back to life.

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Just heads up that it came back from dead, login works and you can finally zoom pictures!

JacekJagosz ( 2020-03-01 01:20:35 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-03-01 00:29:25 +0200

olf gravatar image


Up to SailfishOS 3.2.0 only the automatic updates of the block lists was broken, but since SailfishOS 3.2.0 it seems to cause havoc on Xperia 10s, hence fixing Defender has become much more relevant.
Side note: As @Direc already had it on his second list in April 2019, this is just for creating a separate entry and bringing Defender's issues to attention, again.

Defender provides

  • a comprehensive cookie manager for the SailfishOS web browser, including persistent white- and black-lists
  • hosts file based Adblocking for native and Android apps
  • a block lists manager to select sources of Adblocking lists and to update the system hosts files with it

P.S.: I suspect Defender to fail when trying to patch the new (AOSP8 based) AlienDalvik's hosts file, which might be at a different location than before (with the old AOSP4.1.2 and 4.4.4 based AlienDalvik versions).

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Asked: 2018-12-04 22:45:23 +0200

Seen: 11,369 times

Last updated: Mar 21 '20