photoTAN app?
Hi there,
does any one of you know if there is a photoTAN app that I can use on my Sailfish OS device (Jolla 1)? I have the Android support installed, so something there would be also OK.
Best regards, Robert
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Hi there,
does any one of you know if there is a photoTAN app that I can use on my Sailfish OS device (Jolla 1)? I have the Android support installed, so something there would be also OK.
Best regards, Robert
answered 2019-06-28 15:58:15 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Extracted an overview from comments and added my experience so far. This is a wiki! So please add your experience to help others.
comdirect photoTAN App:
++ JP1 v3.2.0.12, App version 7.3.19, sluggish but works fine
++ JC
--- X v3.0.3.11 (Does not detect 2D code)
Commerzbank photoTAN (v7.1.18):
++ JP1 v3.0.1.10
++ JC v3.0.1.10
--- X v3.0.1.10 (Does not detect 2D code. Timeout while trying to scan activation code)
++ XA2
++ Xperia 10 (photoTAN 8.1.0)
Deutsche Bank photoTAN:
++ JP1 v3.0.1.11
--- X (Does not detect 2D code)
--- X v3.1.0.11 (Detects rooted device, refuses to start)
--- XA2 (Blank screen)
norisbank photoTAN-App:
++ JP1 v2.1.4.14
++ XA2 v3.2 - stay with APP Version 2.2.6, Newer ones Esquire Pin registration!
Postbank BestSign (v1.2.0):
--- X v3.0.3.10 (Android 5 needed)
Sparkasse S-pushTAN:
++ XA2
Raiffeisen Schweiz PhotoTAN:
++ JP1
--- X (Does not detect 2D code)
++ XA2 only with Play Services or microG
VW Financial Services photoTAN (v1.3.0.0):
--- JC v3.0.3.10 (Exits after blaming rooted device)
--- X v3.0.3.10 (Exits after blaming rooted device)
DAB Bank and Consorsbank (BNP Paribas subsidiaries in Germany) are publishing their new "SecurePlus" apps on September 9th '19, unfortunately they will require at least Android 5.0, so any Sailfish device without the 8.1 layer won't be able to execute them (besides further "rooted" or processor incompatibilities).
MeegoUser ( 2019-08-05 18:59:06 +0200 )editHi there, are the (most probably) non-official Banking-Apps from Aptoide (e.g. Commerzbank and DKB) really trustable? Up to now I refused to download them because of being afraid of installing a skimming App or a kind of scam?
Are there maybe other sources for the mayor (german) Banking-Apps? Most of the are only officially represented in Google play, but maybe I am wrong.
photoTAN is IMHO quite trustable because the only data getting transferred is between the colorful image on your PC screen and your phone's camera - there is no need for being online.
Until now I refuse to do online banking on a phone, but if you're looking for a banking app, maybe native SFOS app "Zaster Banker¨ could help - although I did not try it out yet. But if you don't trust aptoide, maybe get yalp store...?
cg ( 2019-02-16 23:22:06 +0200 )editRegarding comdirect photoTAN, their Android app is distributed via Google Play exclusively. They aren't even willing to provide a direct download of the APK (as stated e.g. in this thread: "PhotoTAN-App direkt herunterladen").
Makes you wonder as to why you'll find this app in Aptoide and how trustworthy it is.
dmz ( 2019-08-28 20:44:02 +0200 )editOn my JP1 - but still SFOS V - the PhotoTAN app of Norisbank works without any problems. And afaik it always did since SFOS V1. I did not update to V3 yet and if this app won't work I probably will not try soon...
(Norisbank is nowadays only an online branch of Deutsche Bank so I wonder if there is a difference in their TAN apps)
I guess there is a good chance that they use different apps: "Kim Hammonds, Deutsche Bank’s chief operating officer and the woman responsible for streamlining the company’s IT systems, said the bank was the “most dysfunctional” place she’s ever worked" here But if you dare to test it on, I would be very interested in the results ;)
Daniel.T ( 2019-01-22 00:18:19 +0200 )edit@cg thanks in advance. You don't need an account. You just need to try scanning a photoTAN (one of your bank should work), that works without an account right away. What works for me: Installing and starting the app, touching buttons. I also see the camera live view and it focusses on the code. It just doesn't recognize the code as such and I get a timeout message of the live view after some seconds.
Spark ( 2019-01-22 17:16:36 +0200 )editSwiss Raiffeisen bank photoTAN :
2019 update:
on Xperia XA2 it works perfectly
(though it requires the presence of "" - either the opensource alternative MicroG or the official proprietary Google Play Service - installed, otherwise it complains about rooted phone or something.)
Now luckily Raiffeisen has since started to support a dedicated photoTAN device. (So this solved my Xperia X problems until I replaced it with an XA2 because of other banks) Might work for other with the same problem.
The way I did it:
)copy an .apk file of version 6.2.0 on you SD card
(so you also have it handy to re-install it if the next verion 8.x turns out to be broken too)
apkd-install ch.raiffeisen.phototan.apk
on the command line.So many answers and comments, but no real clear solution. It would be nice to get answers for "Commerzbank photoTAN" XperiaX? Anyone using it?
On Xperia X android apps have issues getting sufficient information from the camera. So on this particular phone, you might get a pTAN app running and see the live view image, but the code is not recognized. That's the case for the comdirect app for me, which is basically the same app with a different corporate design. I think we will not get a solution for it unless somebody with knowledge dedicates a bunch of hours to it. For Jolla the number of affected phones is most probably too small give it sufficient priority.
Spark ( 2019-06-28 12:32:57 +0200 )editWhile extracting the list below, I recognized that no app is working on X device. But why? It has the same Aliendalvik version as JP1, as far as I know.
SaimenSays ( 2019-06-28 16:00:49 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-01-21 12:32:56 +0200
Seen: 4,058 times
Last updated: Dec 04 '19
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I would also be very interested if this works with any photoTAN app. I tested Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank and comdirect Bank and although all apps seem to run, neither can detect photoTANs successfully on Sailfish X (Xperia X).
Spark ( 2019-01-21 13:57:14 +0200 )editThis I would like, too.
Kopekenscheich ( 2019-01-21 16:19:25 +0200 )editBecaue of the new EU law, more and more banks in Germany change their TAN system. Unfortunatelly they want to use photoTan, or you have to buy a separate device.
Jolla, please fix the Android support, so we can use Sailfish as daily driver in the next years!
SaimenSays ( 2019-01-21 18:38:20 +0200 )editI can confirm that Deutsche Bank PhotoTAN app on Jolla Phone 1 with OS v. is working. It was also working with the last version 2.x before upgrade to v3.0.0.8.
maier ( 2019-01-22 12:41:47 +0200 )editsparkasse works fine with photoTAN on XA2
Tonno ( 2019-02-14 17:34:19 +0200 )edit