Problems with the navigation 'here'
Hello sailfish community, once again I have a problem with the navigation of 'here' from the Jolla Store. I had to reinstall my system some time ago, before 'here' worked fine. I have OS on my Jolla C. When I now start the app, I have activated the GPS before. When I try to navigate, I get the message that the GPS signal is being searched. But it is never found. Okay, then I am installing an old version again and downloaded version 2.0.11457. No change, again no GPS signal. What can I do?
Not really an answer, but install Pure Maps and OSM Scout Server. I did, and never looked back.
accumulator ( 2019-02-06 16:10:30 +0200 )editIn the past some Here versions showed strange behaviour when aquiring and holding GPS fix. More recent versions work fine on my Aquafish (Jolla C) and Xperia X. I never installed Here from Jolla store, but used Yalp store instead to get current app versions. May be the Jolla store version of Here is still affected.
@accumulator: great suggestion, I regularly use Pure maps myself. It could completely replace Here if it had live traffic information...
ziellos ( 2019-02-06 16:40:54 +0200 )edit@ziellos, Pure Maps has traffic info, depending on which map layer you are using, here's some screenshots with Mapbox and traffic in Berlin:
Mapbox - traffic - night
Mapbox - traffic - day
For reference, here's the situation now:
Mapbox - traffic
raketti ( 2019-02-06 20:41:25 +0200 )edit@racetti Really? Pure Maps has traffic info? Thats great. It's the only reason I use here. And by the way @Hilleberg here from jolla store is working fine on my xperia with
dirksche ( 2019-02-06 21:28:08 +0200 )editFor viewing purposes, Pure Maps has traffic layers from HERE and Mapbox. HERE is a bit more accurate in the place I live. So, in short, yes you could see traffic in Pure Maps.
Pure Maps does not have routing that would use traffic data. After introduction of profiles in Pure Maps, there is a legal way now to make an application that would hook to HERE services, including routing with traffic. This mainly includes reading API docs from HERE and implementing mainly JSON / python / qml snippets in appropriate places. I have other priorities now, but if someone wants to do it, please do.
rinigus ( 2019-02-06 21:57:26 +0200 )edit