[release notes] 3.0.2 Oulanka [released]
Oulanka brings in some new Sailfish OS features, with 44 TJC reported issues fixed: the Top Menu has new switch for silencing ringtones and there's a new battery saving mode to make the most out of a low battery. Email supports sending read receipts. Connectivity was improved in terms of firewall and global proxy. Also several security vulnerabilities were fixed, front camera focusing is better, the home screen has been tuned up, and Sailfish copes better in environments with large numbers of Bluetooth and WLAN devices. As well, this update improves Android™ 8.1 App Support Beta for Xperia XA2 devices.
Many thanks to you our active contributors for your feedback and proposals.
Table of content
- Update version history
- Size of update
- Release Highlights
- Accounts
- Android™ App Support
- Ambiences
- Browser
- Camera
- Calendar
- Connectivity
- Device Management (MDM) [Corporate API]
- Documents
- Flashing
- Gallery
- Homescreen
- Keyboard
- Messages
- Notes
- Notifications
- People
- Phone
- Power management
- Security - vulnerabilities fixed:
- Settings
- Storage
- UI components
- Weather
- T.J.C: Issues reported by the community and fixed in this update
- Changelog
- Updating your device
- About SD cards
- Known issues
Update version history
- 2019-03-18 : was released to Early Access subscribers (Jolla devices and Xperia X/XA2).
- 2019-03-25 : was released to all subscribers (Jolla devices, Xperia X/XA2, Gemini PDA) as an OTA update. Installable images for Xperia X, Xperia XA2 and Gemini PDA devices are available at https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/ .
Size of update
The download size of the update depends on the device type and on the OS version currently in the device. Some typical values below:
- Jolla 1 from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2: about 360 MB
- Jolla C from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2: about 400 MB
- Jolla Tablet from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2: about 310 MB
- Xperia X from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2: about 350 MB
- Gemini PDA from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2: about 380 MB
Release Highlights
This list contains examples of new features (and some bug fixes) added to Sailfish OS, compared to the previous public release 3.0.1. The release notes of 3.0.1 can be found here
The instructions for installing Sailfish OS to Sony Xperia X and XA2 devices are here - covering Windows, Linux and macOS.
The supported Sony Xperia XA2 models are (they are the same as in update 3.0.1 - no change here):
- XA2 single SIM H3113 (also H3123, H3133)
- XA2 dual SIM H4113 (also H4133)
- XA2 Ultra single SIM H3213 (also H3223)
- XA2 Ultra dual SIM H4213 (also H4233)
- XA2 Plus single SIM H3413
- XA2 Plus dual SIM H4413 (also H4493)
The supported Sony Xperia X models are (no change here, either):
- X single SIM F5121
- X dual SIM F5122
Sailfish OS 3.0.2 is compatible with Gemini PDA variants x25 and x27, too.
- Network connection checked before proceeding to account creation.
Android™ App Support
- Android 8.1 App Support Beta for Xperia XA2 devices improved:
- Android apps can connect to Internet via mobile data provided by SIM #1 now (occasional problems possible - device restart usually helps). Mobile data with SIM #2 does not work yet.
- Memory leak fixed
- The issue of invisible icons at App Grid fixed
- Misbehaviour of "Force stop" button fixed in Settings > Apps > {android apps}
- Lock screen controls for audio playback (MPRIS) added
- Fixed the issue of rendering some characters (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Emojis, etc.) in Android apps
- Better stability overall
- Several other improvements
- No changes for other products
- You can now flick ambience deletion remorse item away to commit the deletion
- Elide very long ambience names shown when switching between ambiences
- Handling of "mailto" links improved to avoid opening up the email service accidentally
- Front camera focusing on wrong point fixed
- Don't allow going to back camera mode if device has no back camera
- Gesture to change between camera and video modes made less sensitive
- Supported values of each device's camera parameters are now passed through to Qt, enabling more camera controls in apps. Thanks to Adam Pigg (piggz) for this contribution.
- Cancellation of a meeting is now sent to all attendees when organizer deletes the event from the calendar (ActiveSync meetings only)
- Editing and then removing event caused crash, now fixed
- Bluetooth scan around a lot of Bluetooth devices no longer slows down the whole device
- WLAN network scan around a lot of WLAN hotspots no longer slows down the whole device
- Make sure "Connect" and "Cancel" actions are visible when typing in WLAN passphrase
- Firewall introduced in the previous release 3.0.1 gained many improvements, in general robustness and IPv6 support in particular. By default the Sailfish firewall now blocks all traffic to the ports of system services, while all ports needed by the user are allowed. For more information see the firewall configuration guide [update on March 26th: made visible to everyone]
Device Management (MDM) [Corporate API]
- Disclaimer: By default all Device Management features are disabled on vanilla Sailfish OS devices
- Data counters API: Query amount of downloading and receiving data for mobile data and WLAN
- Call statistics API: Query number of dialled and incoming calls for specified period
- Location data sources API: Enable/disable location data sources (GPS, cellular, online, etc.)
- Proxy settings API: Setup global and access point specific network proxies for WLAN and cellular connectivity
- App auto start API: Allow pre-starting apps on boot
- Roaming status API: Fetch roaming status of SIM cards
- Block write access with normal user's privileges to various network service configurations and global proxy configurations.
- Cellular settings API: Basic mobile data provisioning support already existed, now extended with APIs to set cellular technology mode (4G, 3G, 2G) and other type of access point settings (MMS, etc.)
- Don't list files in Documents app from unmounted memory card
- You can now enable sending read receipt from Email app
- Rare internal email backend errors can no longer close the app
- Flashing of Gemini PDA kernel fixed: support all HW variants in kernel flashing
- Photo cropping used to fail on some images (timing issue), fixed now
- Events shows 7-day weather forecast (instead of normal 5-day) on larger screen
- Memory optimizations for wallpapers handling, freeing memory for running other apps
- Ringtones silencing switch added to Top Menu - see "Settings > Top menu > Silence"
- Blur background added to some missing dialogs like volume level warning dialog
- Close app gesture fixed for devices with narrow landscape displays
- Alarm dialogs don't no longer get automatically hidden/snoozed if an application is raised below them
- Top part of super app not reacting taps issue fixed
- Top menu
- Top menu hint regressed, now fixed
- Toggle switch for silencing ringtones added (see Settings)
- Toggle switch for global proxy added (see Settings)
- Long-press on keyboard spacebar also works very near the screen edge (normally reserved for edge swipe)
- Issue with message sending status getting stuck in "Sending" state fixed
- Opening empty text file from transfers or file manager opens empty note (used to just open the main page)
- Opening text file from transfers or file manager sometimes opening wrong note fixed
- Allow vibra for notifications that lack high priority status to turn on display
- Show contact names in import page in correct character encoding, names written in non-Latin scripts now render correctly
To improve legibility don't show contact card fields in semi-transparency https://developer.sony.com/develop/open-devices/downloads/software-binaries/
Call UI recovers better from subsystem crashes
Power management
- New battery saving mode introduced
- Battery saving mode is automatically activated by default when the battery level goes below 20%
NOTE: You must change the threshold to some value once to make this feature work. E.g. set it to 10%, or first to 10% then back to 20% [to be fixed to 3.0.3]. - You can disable or adjust the battery saving threshold in the new Battery settings page
- Also you can force the battery saving mode on immediately
- Battery saving mode is automatically activated by default when the battery level goes below 20%
- This is what happens when the battery saving mode goes on:
- Display brightness is decreased
- Background synchronization tasks are skipped
- Leaf icon is shown in status bar (the same as in Settings > Battery)
- Banner about activating the saving mode appears.
- Gemini PDA: high power drain when WLAN enabled fixed. Community member Leszek Lesner (leszek) deserves many thanks for finding this!
- Custom RPM validators can be installed in addition to or to replace the Harbour validator
- The user is able to choose from the installed RPM validators - in the Control Centre
- The user is able to choose from the installed RPM validators - inside Qt Creator
- OpenVPN build in PlatformSDK fixed; submodule URL changed to the Mer mirror
Security - vulnerabilities fixed:
- busybox: CVE-2014-9645
- libtiff: CVE-2016-9273, CVE-2014-8127, CVE-2016-3622, CVE-2015-8665, CVE-2016-5875
- nss: CVE-2016-1938, CVE-2015-7575, CVE-2017-5461, CVE-2017-5462
- python: CVE-2016-5699, CVE-2016-5636, CVE-2016-0772
- python3: CVE-2018-1061, CVE-2018-1060, CVE-2018-1000117
- shadow-utils, libshadowutils: CVE-2017-12424, CVE-2018-7169
- systemd: CVE-2018-15688, CVE-2018-15686
- access to SSH from cellular network was restricted by the firewall
- Battery system settings page re-introduced, see "Settings > Battery". Battery settings contains a switch for enabling power saving mode and combobox to control the automatic power saving mode threshold (Not in use, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%)
- "Global proxy" settings introduced, accessed from Advanced settings (pulley menu) of Settings > WLAN and Settings > Mobile networks. Settings include on/off switch and settings forms define the proxy. Global proxy settings affect all connections (WLAN, mobile data).
- WLAN settings shortcut when tapping WLAN item on Developer mode breakage fixed
- Backup settings sometimes getting stuck infinitely searching for previous cloud backups fixed
- PIN settings page removed from non-cellular devices (regression)
- Switch Item for silencing ringtones added - see "Settings > Top menu > Silence"
- SD card icons for SD card notifications created
- The photo shown in "Settings > Sailfish OS Updates" is under Creative Commons, Attribution 2.0 Generic https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/. It comes from Pieni Karhunkierros, by Timo Newton-Syms. The photo has been modified.
- Encryption of memory cards missing partition table (or when no partitions in a partition table) can be handled now.
- Unlocked encrypted SD card was made available via MTP
- Improved formatting of SD cards: "Accept a partition even if it's not mountable or encrypted" => Formatting and using of encrypted SD cards improved.
UI components
- Dragging panels like Phone dialer or Media audio controls only slightly didn't snap back
- Also panel opening sometimes lacked transition
- Dialog header area background rotating wrongly during orientation change fixed
- Sailfish shows 7-day weather forecast (instead of normal 5-day) on larger screens
T.J.C: Issues reported by the community and fixed in this update
All of the links below may not open up for everyone, sorry.
- https://together.jolla.com/question/192632/xa2-h4113-bootloops-after-flashing-trial-3008/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/134118/bug-stalled-pulley-in-all-apps/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/175382/bug-contacts-disappear-if-google-account-contact-sync-fails/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/169321/xperia-x-white-led-stuck-on-after-charging/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/165629/consistently-apply-ufo-or-fragmentation-in-kernel-net-udp-cve-2017-1000112/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/191573/bug-eventview-blurred-background-not-rotated/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/191784/bug-switching-ambience-triggers-constant-cpu-usage-on-voicecall-ui-process/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/191537/bug-to-long-text-in-top-menu/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/191402/bug-new-top-menu-on-jolla-tablet-shows-non-integer-number-of-ambience-icons/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/190764/question-regarding-sailfish-weather-30-translation/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/191701/regression-unable-to-set-peak-times-for-accounts/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/192309/bug-3005-3008-display-of-email-attachments-is-broken/?sort=votes&page=1
- https://together.jolla.com/question/189097/bugxa2-graphic-glitch-before-language-selection/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/187325/security-issue-all-services-exposed-to-mobile-network/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/194970/bug-high-volume-consent-pop-up-is-fully-transparent/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/194971/tap-on-the-top-part-of-the-screen-doesnt-open-preview-of-top-menu-anymore/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/188512/calendar-crash-when-deleting-entry-with-edited-date/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/161411/bug-mailto-links-open-when-pressed-not-clicked/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/149351/cannot-change-volume-in-fm-radio-when-screen-is-off/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/196877/bug-fingerprint-hal-failure-results-in-enrolled-fingers-lost-from-sfos-side/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/168366/mozilla-security-advisory-2017-10-sailfish-nss-vulnerable-cve-2017-5461-cve-2017-5462-critical-remote/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/116113/google-calendar-sync-reminder-overwritten-by-default-value/?sort=votes&page=1
- https://together.jolla.com/question/195870/note-app-opens-txt-file-in-wrong-way/k
- https://together.jolla.com/question/167345/empty-event-view-in-2122-randomly/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/181044/events-view-not-correctly-loading/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/188128/events-view-not-working-sometimes/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/189757/mozilla-positioning-service-daily-limit-exceeded/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/197439/bug-encrypted-sdcard-unlocked-not-available-via-mtp-on-linux/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/137941/feature-request-file-manager-show-date-info-with-time-stamp/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/189135/replying-to-e-mail-why-is-the-wrong-receiver-e-email-used-with-kolab-accounts/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/196339/sailfish-3-cant-change-blank-timeout-on-lockscreen/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/147266/unable-search-music-in-media-player-with-capital-letter/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/116113/google-calendar-sync-reminder-overwritten-by-default-value/?sort=votes&page=1
- https://together.jolla.com/question/125232/stopwatch-pause-does-not-pause-elapsed-time-indication/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/197466/xa2-aliendalvik-cant-show-chinese-chars/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/195722/mobile-data-connexion-not-established-from-mail/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/198554/bug-android-notifications-without-app-icon-for-xa2-on-30114/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/198832/bug-aliendalvik-memory-leak/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/150407/sdcard-ext4-format-function-doesnt-work/?sort=votes&page=1
- https://together.jolla.com/question/199284/bug-xa2aliendalvik-force-stop-wipes-all-app-data/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/195492/bug-disabled-mail-account-still-receives-mail/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/190381/xperia-x-everything-that-touches-audio-is-rooted/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/200569/sailfishxgemini-battery-drainage-with-wifi-turned-on/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/200869/no-wifi-wlan-after-flashing-sailfish-x-to-xperia-xa2-all-variants-any-idea/
Detailed changelog is available here.
For those porting Sailfish to other devices
The following two fixes must be included to be able to use the 3.0.2 SDK for porting Sailfish to other devices:
Updating your device
Your device must be connected to the Internet and signed into your Jolla account. If your Jolla account is registered for Early Access releases you should receive an OS update notification when an update is available. If you have decided not to take the Early Access registration then you will get the OS update typically one week later.
We warmly recommend making some 3-4 GB of free space to the internal storage of your device before starting the update. Move your pictures and videos to the SD card (or to your PC or cloud service). After the upgrade turn on the option to save pictures and videos directly from the camera to the memory card (Settings > Apps > Camera). This is important particularly in case of "Jolla Phone" devices (product name "Jolla" in Settings > About product).
This is the usual drill before attempting to update your devices:
Take a backup of your data before attempting to update your device and save the backup to an SD card or to some other off-device location (PC, your cloud service). Note that videos and images are not included in cloud-based backups. Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress. Do keep the phone connected to a battery charger during the whole process. Device screen may blank out during the update process; you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.
For detailed instructions on updating software, read our help article in Zendesk:
Notification concerning apps from Open Repos
- If you use Phonehook or Callrecorder from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading
- If you use oFono from OpenRepos, revert to the official oFono before upgrading
- If you use Patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.
About SD cards
- Encrypted cards must be unlocked by the user to make them available for Sailfish applications.
- Non-encrypted cards are mounted automatically when the device is turned on.
- Encrypted cards can be formatted only when they are locked. Formatting removes the encryption in this case (the card becomes unencrypted and unmounted). You can then format it again with the option to encrypt, if needed.
Known issues
- Jolla Phone & Jolla Tablet: Installing this OS update uninstalls Sailfish Maps app, unfortunately. It can however be reinstalled from Jolla Store once the OS update is completed (fixed on March 20th at 16:45 EET)
- Bluetooth pairing and audio connections may still fail in some circumstances
- Some Facebook services (syncing FB events to calendar; uploading pictures to FB from gallery) do not work (independent of your OS release) due to some changes at the FB end.
- Light ambience concept of Sailfish 3 needs polishing and tuning up. There are still issues with the colours of different objects when using the ambiences that have light background colours.
- Disabling a calendar account does not necessarily prevent the appointments from alerting.
- The chacha20-poly1305 cipher is not currently working, which is often chosen for SSH. It has been disabled in the sshd configuration file, but if you have manually modified it then it will not automatically update. You can ssh into your device using 'ssh -c aes128-ctr' and check the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file against its 'rpmnew' version if present.
- The threshold of battery saving mode must be changed once to make the saving mode turn on automatically. Therefore set it to 15%, or first to 15% then back to 20% [to be fixed to 3.0.3].
Known issues specific to Xperia X
- Not implemented features: NFC, fingerprint detection, FM radio, double-tap, step counter
- Issues with mobile data persist on some SIM cards. Turn the Flight mode on and off to reset the network setup. Reverting the device to Android and re-installing Sailfish X has often helped. See our support article.
- Manual network/carrier search lists all networks by the same name (the name of the SIM provider). Use automatic search. If not possible, you need to try several items in the manual search results, unfortunately. The top most item is not necessarily the one that can serve you (still valid with most SIM cards)
- [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video. After this, camera focus is still not ideal - as the camera stays out of focus when it starts until you either tap or try to take a shot - but the pictures seem to be better focused now
- If device is powered off alarms are not functional
- Bluetooth: problems with some car equipment, some audio devices and computers may appear
- Loudspeaker volume level cannot be adjusted very high
- Not all SD cards are recognised and mounted.
Known issues specific to Xperia XA2
- Not implemented features: NFC, fingerprint detection, FM radio, double-tap
- Battery drain high when WiFi on
- Bluetooth: there are problems in connecting to some peripheral devices
- XA2 does not power up when alarm time has elapsed
- Display blanking is unstable during phonecalls or alarms (due to proximity sensor). Quick triple-tap on Power button in the problem situation helps.
- Flashing Sailfish X to XA2 might still fail (so far seen to happen on Ubuntu 18.04 when using USB3 port). Please read this article.
- Mobile data doesn't work with with certain SIM/operator on most Android apps
- WLAN does not work on channel 13
- There are two working versions of vendor binaries: v16 and v17B. Both have been tested to work on XA2, however, we recommend using the newer one (v17B) if you flash/reflash Sailfish OS to your device.
- Sailfish flashing script of Windows was broken on the public release of update The problem has been fixed today (Friday March 29th). If you have downloaded the Sailfish OS zip package already, you need to do it again now. Download from here.
Known issues specific to Gemini PDA
- Gemini Screenshoot Button Fn + X does not work
- Not possible to answer calls when Gemini is closed with side button
- Alarm not working
- Some 3rd party apps have issues in Landscape mode.
Thank you. I am looking forward to upgrade my XA2
Malinux ( 2019-03-18 12:59:20 +0200 )I'm curious, what's the holdup for a fix for the WLAN battery drain on XA2? Is this dependent on kernel / kernel drivers? I.e. do we have to wait for a fix from Sony/Qualcomm?
Fuzzillogic ( 2019-03-18 13:55:42 +0200 )Still not on my device. Should I try to update via console or is it still in rolloutphase. I am part of earlyaccess program.
lispy ( 2019-03-18 15:18:15 +0200 )I was very enthusiastic because of the Android App Support -> Memory leak fixed to fix my problem with the Payback app. But another disappointment. Either it fixes just the Android Support of XA2 or just very rare cases.
CLR64 ( 2019-03-18 16:11:40 +0200 )@CLR64: See above: „Android 8.1 App Support Beta for Xperia XA2 devices improved ... No changes for other products“
Kopekenscheich ( 2019-03-18 16:28:32 +0200 )