sailfish-maps no longer works in 3.0.2 [answered]
Bevore updating to, I used sailfish-maps from my J1. I liked the option to show the adress on the map in the native contact app. This option can not used with here-maps! During installing sailfish-maps shows now a missing package:
# pkcon install-local sailfish-maps-1.1.26-10.40.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm
Installing files
Testing changes
Fatal error: sailfish-maps-1.1.26-10.40.1.jolla.armv7hl requires jolla-ambient >= 0.4.14, but this requirement cannot be provided
Is there a repository to get this package?
Edit: heading modified Edit2: heading modified
#pkcon install sailfish-content-graphics-default-base
Now sailfish-maps is able to install and the option "show on map" in contacts is aviable. But the sailfish-maps app has no connection to data. Only the blank standard cover is shown.
chris_bavaria ( 2019-03-27 12:47:08 +0200 )editLog of starting in terminal:
chris_bavaria ( 2019-03-27 13:15:49 +0200 )editAfter starting with root rights, I found out a Qt problem:
chris_bavaria ( 2019-03-27 13:38:16 +0200 )editJust curious - why are you choosing "pkcon install-local" - can we assume you have already downloaded the package?, also, including the build numbers and .rpm file extension is not needed, i.e;
Initially, maps wasn't available, but after refreshing the repo, I was able to install sailfish-maps without problem, I also get the same list of "unknown" errors as you but the application starts okay and minimises to a cover showing "default cover", that was until I added my home position, now the cover shows the map.
There are a number of 'sailfish' apps that show plenty of errors upon start up, but the apps appear to run okay, seems to be normal.
Spam Hunter ( 2019-04-01 02:23:24 +0200 )editmaybe yo have problems with maps because the newest version of sailfish maps is 1.2.5-1.9.2. So it looks like you have old version.
atlochowski ( 2019-04-01 09:43:59 +0200 )edit