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Did anyone manage to update an Intex Aqua Fish or Jolla C to Release [answered]

asked 2019-04-29 00:26:54 +0200

jsommer gravatar image

updated 2019-04-29 00:40:50 +0200

See the thread for I can reproduce, that updates to fail on an Intex Aqua Fish using the approach with stop releases as suggested in Jolla's support doucment.

Hopefully this issue is solved in On my productive Intex Aqua Fish for everyday use I'm still using the release. I'll try to test an update on a second Intext Aqua Fish, that I use as a developer device. But I would like to ask the community first, whether someone was successfull and which technical aproach was used.

Last time it has taken a lot of time after a failed update of my productive phone to make a factiry reset, doing all updates to stop releases and re-install and re-configure everything.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by santhoshmanikandan
close date 2019-05-21 12:13:28.045962


worked fine on my Jolla C

r0kk3rz ( 2019-04-29 03:07:20 +0200 )edit works fine on my JollaC aswell. I upgraded from 3.0.2.

pasikarkkainen ( 2019-04-29 10:25:55 +0200 )edit

Perfect. How did you update. Unfortunately the regular update mechanism is not possible with an Intext Aqua Fish, because the device is not supported by Intex any more. So I have to use terminal commands.

jsommer ( 2019-04-29 10:39:16 +0200 )edit

I reccomend sfos-upgrade from openrepos, it does all the hard job for you.

JacekJagosz ( 2019-04-29 16:38:17 +0200 )edit

@JacekJagosz Thanks for your recommendation. Unfortunately, this app doesn't because it would use just the terminal commands ssu release and verion --dup, which doesn't work. I have tested this approach before.

jsommer ( 2019-04-30 22:50:52 +0200 )edit

5 Answers

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answered 2019-05-21 10:49:43 +0200

jsommer gravatar image

Ok, this is my solution:

  1. Make a factory reset of Intex Aqua Fish
  2. Don't update Intex Aqua Fish!
  3. Enable developer mode in the system settings.
  4. I prefer remote access for convendience: Enable remote controll in developer mode settings.
  5. Connect to the Intex Aqua Fish in any terminal app ssh nemo@<ip-adress-of-your-phone>
  6. Execute the suggested script in this forum.
  7. Reboot your Intex Aqua Fish.
  8. Update your Intex Aqua Fish with the regular way in your settings.

I checked briefly the system. It seem, that everything works. I can start the dialer and the system UI is not broken. I could update up to smoothly.

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I made a factory reset to my Aqua Fish, and following these instructions it now identifies as Jolla C again and is running seemingly ok.

I skipped steps 4 and 5; it's simple enough to write (or paste) the two lines of command to the Terminal app.

In step 6, after executing the script I got a blank black background. The Salamander ambience probably took a hit there. But the OS otherwise worked fine. This and the somewhat persistent Intex boot screen will be fixed by the updates in step 8.

The OTA updates automatically offered by the OS (initially Aurajoki) were step by step: Haapajoki (430 MB) Mouhijoki (460 MB) Lemmenjoki (410 MB) Hossa (420 MB)

So it takes a bit time to get to an up-to-date phone.

teemu ( 2019-05-23 20:59:35 +0200 )edit

Very interesting observation. a missing stop release could be the problem.

jsommer ( 2019-05-24 13:35:57 +0200 )edit

How is Google Play Store working for you after doing this? I have done this twice now with two different results:

After 1st reset: I "installed" Play Store (= updated it from Aptoide) and signed myself in Aurajoki, before doing the Jolla C conversion and updating to Downloads from Play Store worked fine and continued to do so in

After 2nd reset: I did the Jolla C conversion and updated to without touching Android before that. Only at I "installed" Play Store and signed in. This time the downloads down work. I got the "download pending" problem.

teemu ( 2019-06-05 03:22:49 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-04-30 23:05:34 +0200

jsommer gravatar image

It seems, that release is the last working update for Intex Aqua Fish. I could reproduce, that I can't update the device with ssu release and version --dup after the last stop release I tried to use the approach wirh pkcon refresh and pkcon -v update after ssu release, that was successfull for an uptdate from remease to

Unfortunately after updating to release, the dialer app wasn't working an more like before, when I have updated my device from to See this forum thread: https://together.jolla.com/question/202021/dialer-doesnt-start-on-intex-aqua-fish-after-update-to-3028/

I tried to solve the problem with the solution approach, that was descdribed in the referenced forum thread by installing sailfish-devicelock-fpd with zypper. The dialer app was working again afterwards, but not the settings app. After a reboot, the device got stuck in the boot screen. So I had to force a factory reset via telnet.

I was able to reproduce this behaviour, when I tried an update to even after a factory reset and just the pure intallations of the stop releases. The update on developer device worked, but I had installed Glacier UX and the Glacier Dialer on it. So I needn't install sailfish-devicelock-fpd. So I tried my productive device, but this failed as described.

Hopefully some porters find a solution to use Intex Aqua Fish with new Sailfish OS release. I should be possible, because it is the same hardware like Jolla C. I think there is just a difference in the modem.

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fpd stands for finger print daemon. what the deal?

coderus ( 2019-04-30 23:14:48 +0200 )edit

Thanks for that hint. I didn't know that. However the suggested solution in that forum solved the issue with a crashing dialer. But the impact of the solution was a crashing settings app and failing reboot.

jsommer ( 2019-05-01 06:02:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-05-13 14:57:32 +0200

jsommer gravatar image

Ok, this is the situation:

  1. The last working update with version --dup in the stop release
  2. The last working update with pkcon -v update is
  3. Each further update to or fails. See the log above.

This behavious is reproducable even with a fresh installed operation system without any further modifications.

It seems, that Intex Aqua Fish is structurally identical with Jolla C, that is officially supported by Jolla. So it should be possible to update an Intext Aqua Fish device to the latest Sailfish OS release.

The suggested approach to port the device to a Jolla C identity breaks the phone. Maybe a solution is to edit the registered repositories.

I understand, that Jolla doesn't support an partner product, but because of the structural identity I would appreciate, if Jolla could provide a solution for this special case.

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I have Jolla C'fied Aqua Fish running, on an installation from a factory reset upgraded step by step from the OTAs.

There is a sweet spot in at what version of Sailfish OS you should run the coderus script (the version close to the one AF shipped with). If you upgrade Sailfish to too high a version, there will be issues.

I too would like to know the best exact Sailfish OS version to run the script at. Probably the newest one at the time of coderus' post detailing the procedure (Oct 20th, 2016).

edit: Run the script for Aurajoki. Doesn't work for 2.2.1 ->. He says as much in the post.

teemu ( 2019-05-13 19:20:17 +0200 )edit

I have exactly the same behavior with AF! Thank you so much for your investigations. I think I will stick to and restrain from further attempts to update. I'd rather prefer a stable and working device to a bricked one.

Nautilus ( 2019-05-13 21:35:31 +0200 )edit

@teemu You have updated to instead of Is this an inofficial release?

jsommer ( 2019-05-14 16:58:22 +0200 )edit

@Nautilus I agree. It's a pity, because release comes with an updated Gecko engine for the standard browser. Tutanota and other web apps are working again with this release.

jsommer ( 2019-05-14 16:59:31 +0200 )edit

@jsommer The current highest official release I think. I have signed up for Early Access. I got offered OTA the EA release and I updated to it, and then I got offered what I assume is the finalized "normal" OTA release and updated to that.

Both throught the Settings - Sailfish OS Update way (which if I remember correctly is the way I updated the whole way from the factory reset).

Do you have your account signed up for Early Access? If not, I don't know if that disqualifies you from getting the Early Access versions. The version numbers appearing as release threads on Jolla Together probably are EA versions (which apparently is).

teemu ( 2019-05-14 20:28:33 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-05-01 06:00:17 +0200

jsommer gravatar image

After a factory reset, I have updated without any other modificaions of the system to the top releases and afterwards directly to release As mentioned above, I can't use the approach with version --dup after ssu release but the approach with pkcon refresh and pkcon -v update. Like weeks ago, when I tried to update to release, the device shows a white screen after reboot. I could manage to access the device with ssh. Here are the log entries:

journalctl -t lipstick
-- Logs begin at Fri 1970-02-06 06:29:31 CET, end at Wed 2019-05-01 04:34:14 CEST. --
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: == hwcomposer module ==
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Address: 0xb1ba0004
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Module API Version: 2
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * HAL API Version: 0
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Identifier: hwcomposer
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Name: Qualcomm Hardware Composer Module
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Author: CodeAurora Forum
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: == hwcomposer module ==
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: == hwcomposer device ==
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Version: 1040001 (interpreted as 1040001)
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: * Module: 0xb1ba0004
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: == hwcomposer device ==
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [D] unknown:0 - EGLFS: Screen Info
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [D] unknown:0 -  - Physical size: QSizeF(62, 111)
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [D] unknown:0 -  - Screen size: QSize(720, 1280)
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [D] unknown:0 -  - Screen depth: 32
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - QEglScreen 0xc499a0
May 01 04:31:29 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - Notifications restored: 0
May 01 04:31:31 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - HomeApplication: Errors while loading compositor from "file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml"
May 01 04:31:31 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - (file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:539:9: Type HomeLayer unavailable
                                                     HomeLayer {
                                                     ^, file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/layers/Home Layer.qml:346:9: Type PartnerLayer unavailable
                                                     PartnerLayer {
                                                     ^, file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/layers/PartnerLayer.qml:308:17: Type LauncherIcon unavailable
                                                             LauncherIcon {
                                                             ^, file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Lipstick/LauncherIcon.qml:15:5: Cannot assign to non-existent property "highlightMonochromeWeight"
                                             highlightMonochromeWeight: highlightColorWeight
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:110 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/main.qml:110:9: Type Switcher unavailable 
                                                      Switcher { 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:491 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/switcher/Switcher.qml:491:27: Type SwitcherItem unavailable 
                                                              delegate: SwitcherItem { 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:195 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/switcher/SwitcherItem.qml:195:5: Type LauncherIcon unavailable 
                                                  LauncherIcon { 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:15 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Lipstick/LauncherIcon.qml:15:5: Cannot assign to non-existent property "highlightMonochromeWeight" 
                                                  highlightMonochromeWeight: highlightColorWeight 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - QEglWindow 0xd676a0: 0xbf7858 0x0
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::frameSwapped() to HomeApplication::sendHomeReadySignalIfNotAlreadySent()
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - HomeWindow: Compositor appeared after first windowm
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:29 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/LauncherView.qml:29:9: Type Launcher unavailable 
                                                      Launcher { 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:123 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/Launcher.qml:123:9: Type LauncherGrid unavailable 
                                                      LauncherGrid { 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:258 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/LauncherGrid.qml:258:9: Type LauncherIcon unavailable 
                                                      LauncherIcon { 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:15 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Lipstick/LauncherIcon.qml:15:5: Cannot assign to non-existent property "highlightMonochromeWeight" 
                                                  highlightMonochromeWeight: highlightColorWeight 
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - LauncherView: Errors while loading LauncherView.qml0m
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - (file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/LauncherView.qml:29:9: Type Launcher unavailable
                                                     Launcher {
                                                     ^, file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/Launcher.qml:123:9: Type LauncherGrid unavailable
                                                     LauncherGrid {
                                                     ^, file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/LauncherGrid.qml:258:9: Type LauncherIcon unavailable
                                                     LauncherIcon {
                                                     ^, file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Lipstick/LauncherIcon.qml:15:5: Cannot assign to non-existent property "highlightMonochromeWeight"
                                                 highlightMonochromeWeight: highlightColorWeight
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [W] unknown:0 - QEglWindow 0xe19030: 0xc493d0 0x0
May 01 04:31:32 Sailfish lipstick[1240]: [F] unknown:0 - QPA-HWC: There can only be one window, someone tried to create more. in createNativeWindow

It looks like the Lipstick implementation wansn't installed correctly.

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answered 2019-05-24 07:08:20 +0200

teemu gravatar image

updated 2019-05-24 07:18:12 +0200

Upon checking up the instructions for updating at:


I notice that Haapajoki is not listed as a stop release, but this release is what I get offered first by the OS (Settings - Sailfish OS updates) after reseting to Aurajoki.

I wonder if the failure to update to comes from skipping when you go by the command line stop release updating instructions given by Jolla.

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Asked: 2019-04-29 00:26:54 +0200

Seen: 1,687 times

Last updated: May 24 '19