[Thought] Remarks on the new UI (
it's with a great pleasure that i've upgraded (a nice holiday gift) to the new, finally out of beta, great work of the team and the fellow sailfishers! Please be kind to this thoughts that are mine and maybe not shared by others, i've tried to explain as much as i can as english is not my native language.
This new version brought us some new UI changes that we didn't see coming (at least for me) ; i like the minimalistic UI and i feel there are a lot of small icons now that are a little bit distracting in the contact's cards history.
Also I would like to point out some inconsistencies and questions :
1-dot and button doing the same thing (at least opening the same page) and why this big ugly handset button? I thought it was to call directly...
2-Why no nice icons instead of "Dialler" "History" "People" that are of the same size of the names below :
3-Why no better seperation in the contacts list (i've missed the previous alphabet sorting):
4-Clock should be opened on Alarm or at least remember the last one opened ( to my mind it was nice to have everything on one page)
5-Why thoses color strips on calendar of eventeview are so thin, they are barely visible, please add two pixel or more wider :
Feel free to add your salt on the UI. Once again it's a great work of the developers!
(Xperia XA2 Plus)
I don't get the difference between the "People" tab in the phone app and the people app. Is there any?
Why not just open the People tab when the People app is clicked in the app grid?
Spark ( 2019-07-23 16:16:37 +0200 )editI like the new people app, but meybe it could be a bit more space saving? I mean Title 'Address' plus detail info 'Work.Address', plus a icon, that's quite much? It's nice the icon lets us copy that address! But paste that into puremaps.. address is not formatted so PureMaps will find the place. Dialler looks like it can do T9 but it doesn't. A alternative 'big touch fields' dialler would be nice too.
danfin ( 2019-07-23 16:32:36 +0200 )editI like this idea too for other apps to adopt the tab structure it makes sense in other apps like Piepmatz, it is more intuitive. I think it might need a little tweak as it develops. @Spark It does seem to be converging a bit. I do like the history feature of past text messages and ability to jump to send a new message from the Phone or People app.
marxistvegan ( 2019-07-23 16:50:01 +0200 )edit@nerip: there is an open question about 4. already. apparently devs are aware of the issue.
rozgwi ( 2019-07-23 16:50:37 +0200 )editBasically all UI changes since v.1 have been for the worse. Sailfish needs to be heavily patched using Patchmanager at this point to be "unlike" as originally intended and not just another Android clone.
bocephus ( 2019-07-23 16:54:21 +0200 )edit