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Enable Shutdown and Restart icons in Sailfish 3 new top menu

asked 2019-08-30 18:05:22 +0200

zagor gravatar image

I have just upgraded my Intex Aquafish to Sailfish OS does anybody know how to enable the Shutdown and Restart icons in the new top menu, instead of the Lock button?

I cannot find this option in the Sailfish settings but at boot I was asked whether I wanted to enable these icons, and I know it is possible.

Thank you very much in advance

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2 Answers

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answered 2019-08-30 19:17:53 +0200

updated 2019-08-30 19:18:51 +0200

It's hidden away at the bottom of the developer tools page in Settings

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Please read the question again.

Sthocs ( 2019-08-31 00:10:00 +0200 )edit

Please read the answer again. It is correct.

bocephus ( 2019-08-31 09:46:48 +0200 )edit

Thank you very much Allstar12345: I confirm the setting is there, actually, but acting on it does not let the icons appear, unfortunately, even after a reboot :-(

Maybe there are other actions I need to do as well?

I see that mSovisto says I also need to hold the power button 2 seconds to get the top menu with the shutdown and restart icons but it does not work either - my power button is a bit worn but it generally accomplishes the task, eventually...

Thank you very much again

zagor ( 2019-08-31 12:49:46 +0200 )edit

@zagor: The setting actually affects the Top Menu shown when holding the powerbutton. Contrary to draging it down via the regular edge pull, pressing and holding the powerbutton shows the Top Menu with a shutdown option instead of the display lock. oops, should've read your comment more careful.

So this is setting's got a misleading translation/label

rozgwi ( 2019-08-31 17:24:52 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-30 22:37:00 +0200

mSorvisto gravatar image

You also need to hold power button about 2 seconds to get top menu with shutdown and/or restart icons.

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Thank you mSovisto, please look at my answer to Allstar12345

Thank you

zagor ( 2019-08-31 12:52:11 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-08-30 18:05:22 +0200

Seen: 772 times

Last updated: Aug 30 '19