2014-02-03 12:50:41 +0200
3661 ●22 ●30 ●26
You can enable and test LTE with this dbus magic.
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.RadioSettings.SetProperty string:"TechnologyPreference" variant:string:"lte"
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.RadioSettings.SetProperty string:"TechnologyPreference" variant:string:"umts"
Picked from Finnish Jolla user discussion thread, not tested personally (yet, currently away of the LTE coverage).
Be careful - this may break your device and blow your data plan - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
LTE MODE DISABLES CALL/SMS -functions until changed back to umts -mode.
Here we go with LTE (tested by cinse):
I had no idea this actually was in the "specs", but I'm really glad it is then :D
Chinoman10 ( 2013-12-26 01:34:38 +0200 )editYes, 4G LTE is part of the Jolla specs! :)
Nirkus ( 2013-12-26 01:54:20 +0200 )editCan we close this question as it has received an answer?
NikosAlexandris ( 2013-12-29 02:59:56 +0200 )editThe website of Jolla has now updated saying:
Supported in Finland during Q2/2014, other countries and operators to be announced at a later date.
cquence ( 2014-04-14 00:39:28 +0200 )editI must say that this is frustratring. If you take a look below, you can see that this has been "maybe"-announced for a few earlier updates, and "non-maybe" for this update. But now, only Finland. At this point, I'm counting on getting 4G by the end of the year, maybe.
bennypr0fane ( 2014-05-18 23:15:01 +0200 )edit