XA2 Headphone jack not usable with external speakers [] [duplicate]
I am on and not able to get audio output when connecting speakers to the XA2 via 3.5mm headphone jack. (it continues playing via the normal speakers) Headphones work fine. Asking an Android user he has no problem connecting speakers to the device.
I think that we can already close this question : https://together.jolla.com/question/197811/35mm-audio-connector-not-working-on-xa2/
It seems to me that this question is already "tracked by Jolla". May be a workoaround for the moment is to use a jack connector with 4 conductors : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phone_connector_(audio)
mips_tux ( 2019-09-16 16:59:06 +0200 )editHad the same issue on the same device, but audio output from open repos worked for me: link text
enrish ( 2019-09-16 23:31:25 +0200 )edit